30 April 2007

An aunty likes my bling-bling glittery nail colour.

It was Saturday, I went for service
After the sermon was over had to go to the toilet
Ah~Such good bladder system that I have
Was waiting for Rachie to relieve herself in the toilet
So I was scratching the nail colour off my finger nails
Nail colour>Transparent with gillter and pretty blue and purple star

An aunty near me starts to stare at me
*Ei I'm just scratching my nails ler. Not biting alsoooo*
Oh then she goes
"So nice nails. U stick the stars yourself?"




"No lar. Its already in the nail colour one. Hehe."

"Oh icic. Very pretty. Let me see!"

*Moves over my hands to her*

She goes "Nice ah. How much ah?"


This aunty so interested in it. Hahaha.

All I did was smile, because I didn't know what else to say.
My naik colour is nice?
Well thank you..aunty....
I always thought aunties liked all those super chili red color.
Maybe this aunty is just the modern ones around *Wink wink*
Hmm. Should have asked what her name was.

Anyway, that aunty was cute. Another aunty I find cute is
An aunty who really loves to say
during church service.
She's the only one that says that very frequently during sermon.
And the whole congregation can her her super clearly.
Woah. Full of energy.
And her name is
Hmm. That explains it. Haha.

Oh caffeine does wonders.
A few weeks back I brought Rachie Shalalas to Old Town to try their white coffee.
And Shalalas really loves to play with my phone camera

My sleepy faceHei, where's my coffee? Faster before I storm in the kitchen and steal the coffee maker.Lol.

*Ohyes Rachie. I know I'm such a poser >,<* The after coffee effect. Hoho. She finally woke up!

Of course, not to forget
My Oh-Talented-Camerawoman

Rachie Shalalas & Her Bulat Mata
*Ei. I'm a better camera woman. See, your pic so clear! Lol.*

After that it was
Home sweet home
And I drove with my car petrol meter at the lowest line
Well, manage to reach home though

Okay ler. Just had my taxation exam just now at 2pm. I was rushing for that paper. Siao wei. All the questions are just soo long. Sigh. Hopefully at least I get a B =/

God bless and have a great week.

29 April 2007


In the morning, engine died-ed 3 times. I guess I was too used to driving my sis's Kelisa. Untill when I drove my "vios" again...Rupanya my skill sudah karat.

That's not all......

Today the Oh-So-Clumsy Miss Lili banged the house gate and kaput-ed the left portion of the house gate. Thanks to her very "accurate" judgement.


Let me tell ya how it began. Eh no. How it happened.
Ms. Clumsy was on the way back from college from collecting her parking sticker (Oh at last). So she fetched her brother from the car workshop nearby and drove back home. Upon reaching the house, Ms. Clumsy decided to park her "so called terribly new Vios, which releases super duper keng vapour from the air-cond, and makes you feel like you're in North Pole" in the house porch. Lol. So when she was about to turn, I think (Well, I think) she just turned at the wrong angle and...pressing too much on the oil...So, as expected.................


She knocks down the left portion of the house gate

*ping-piang, crash, barng*

*Gate drops onto the road*


Ms. Clumsy didnt stop until the car was right in the house porch.

Oh my gosssssssssh!

*Next door neighbour looks out from the house door, and SMILES*

Like thisss!!

Ms. Clumsy @____@

*Oh did I just did that?*


Ms Clumsy+ Brother = traumatised

*Gets out from the car*

Phew. The car is definitely fine. Just a little scratch because the gate landed on the car before it landed on the road. The gate? Ha-ha-ha. Its definitely out of place. Swt. Fortunately, we manage to fix the gate. All we had to do is carry it and place it back on the screw. Damn malufying lar. The neighbour came out and asked us whether we're okay, but they tersenyum-senyum sampai buat aku merah jer. Haha. *pai sieh , pai sieh*

Sigh. Well, thank God I didnt destroy my whole car. Now I kinda phobia wanna drive in the car porch already. Lols.

P= Pemandu Professional......
  • Yang pernah langgar pasu bunga
  • Yang pernah terlupa membuka lampu kereta semasa memandu pada waktu malam
  • Yang pernah tercalar kereta orang kerana side parking yang begitu " hebat"
  • Yang pernah terlupa lepas handbrake semasa memandu
  • Yang pernah langgar gate rumah sampai gate pun terpelanting
In conslusion, learn from your mistakes. And thy shall be an even more professional driver. Lol.

*God, please don't make me bang anything else and make it fly 100 meters away*

Gosh I wanna sleep. The gate incident making me feeling uneasy since the whole day. Hehe.


Signing off,
I shall not be too gan cheong on the oil pedal anymore >.<

27 April 2007

Hei if you people are bored listen to this song;

You In Me by Juwita Suwito

26 April 2007


To all Lala BengBeng Land aka TARC students, beware of the guards in college, for they are extremely superbly terribly HamSap...

Yes, its true! Heard about the news lately about the girl that was almost kena raped last Saturday by the guard? Tsk tsk tsk. Pathetic.
Apparently she was going back home after her MYOB external test at around 5.30 pm. It was raining. So she was waiting at the shade at the back gate (Beside Blok K, near canteen 1) . It was then that the guard hit her with stones, dragged her to a lecture hall nearby. And he got ready to... Well you know what *face turns green*. Well, thank god she manage to escape wei! Poor thing. Can imagine the trauma she's going through. *shakes head*

Punishment: Send him to jail! This people are such perverts.

Anyway, now I can officially say that college is not safe anymore. Guards are not called guards anymore. More of a rapist =.= ....

And TARC! Please give me my parking sticker now!! You know how hard it is to walk all the way from the campus to the main road outside?! Giler far, and ........giler unsafe. Imagine if I stay in the library till 5pm and I have to walk alll the way to the main road, down the road, past TBR, to my car. Its freaking scary, especially when it rains, or when its getting dark,or when I'm alone. Sigh. Maybe I should just bring a parang to school. *grins*

When I heard my friend telling me it happen when the victim was using the back gate, near block K, it freaked me out. *shivers* Because that's the place I usually wait for my mom to fetch me after my classes. Plus... I'm always near the guard O.o And on days when I can never find parking at the main gate, I always park my car somewhere near that gate =S


Thank God for keeping me safe.

*I want a bodyguard!!*

21 April 2007


Just got back from college. My resit paper was......... Sigh. I dunno lar. Honestly, when I compare the one I sat for today, and the one I failed last sem, last sem's one is easier. I giler stress now. I'm gonna make two pieces of toast.

*walks off to make two pieces of toast with peanut butter, & a cup of hot milo*

*10 minutes later*

Okay I'm back. Hehe. Toast makes my day yummier =) . Aih, but I'm still scared of the results. I can resit maximum 3 times. After that I have to retake that whole sem. Adui~ Resit one time enough lar. I don't wanna see that dungu subject anymore. Dahla next sem I'm having a subject connected to this one. I'm doomed. I feel so doomed, that I feel like crying. I don't wanna fail anymore. Thats all =(
That's it! Enough emo-ing. Lol. I just realised that my past few posts are all so stressed-genre-typed. Where is my gilaness? Where have thou art gone to?? Ha-ha. Its so not me. I must remain>> > Happie go luckie!

And there's some boys outside playing firecrackers in the field in front of my house. The super duper loud bang is irritating me, and giving me heart popping moments. Dahla I wanna de-stress. Now I feel like opening the door, and shout from my house......................


Unfortunately, only my mom is brave enough to do that. Plus, it sounds rude. There was once when the boys were playing football and the ball hit my sis's car and my house gate. My mom was so pissed that she shouted from my house door


Fuuyoh.... Memang patut kena pun. Haha. The ball dented my sis's car wei. And my mom's car number plate cracked when the ball hit it once before, long time ago. Since then, my mom calls them "monkeys". So every evening when they start playing my mom will go ;

" Eh go move the car to the side lane. Later those monkeys play ball then kena the car then dented again"

Haha. Monkeys. They are lucky enough since they didn't get the tamparan hebat from my dad. If not.. habis man. My dad will lecture them kaukau and snatch the ball from them and never give it back. Lol.

Okay enough of talking about monkeys. Lets talk about...........

My Oh-So-Sexy Legs

Nola.. Not my sexy legs. My rotten shoe got lar. Haha. Yeap my rotten ballet shoes. Its rotten alrite. Really rotten. Rotteen untill its holey-moley and super blackie. No matter how much i clean it with toothpaste (Yes, toothpaste. Ballet shoes CANNOT be washed. Never!) . Like this....

Lol. OMG! Ewwww......
I didn't realise it was this ugly *__*
6 years of dancing and it turns into this
And a new one would cost me
RM 55 !

20 April 2007

After Studying Like Mad,
You Turn Into This

No, I'm not here to update. I mean as in those super duper long post where I have so much to say. The only thing I'm feeling now is ;

1. Tired
2. Hungry
3. Stressed
4. Exhausted
5. Heavy headed
6. Scared
7. Lack confidence
8. Giler worried about tomorrow's resit paper

But despite all that, I feel so rajin. Lol. Yes, thats right..Rajin! Why? Well, this week and last week i spend like more than 5 hours in the library torturing myself. In my 1 1/2 years in lalaland @ TARC, I have never ever spent more than 3 hours in the library studying. Hehe. So I feel so rajin these 2 weeks, and I plan to be rajin for the next following weeks of my exam period, and continue onwards for the next coming semester *Claps hands* *What an accomplishment* Hoho >,<

Anyway, tomorrow is one of my resit paper. So hopefully its easy. Aih. Thats all for now. Bye people~

14 April 2007


Haha. Don't worry. Tarzan didn't pay me a visit.
I'm back once again, with an update. Nothing much happen this week. but I'm quite satisfied with myself. Why? Heehee. I manage to lock myself like I said during my previous post. On Monday I spent 2 hours in the library. Wednesday I spent 4 hours in the library. Thursday I spent 4 hours in the library. So on all that 3 days I was in the library untill about 5PM. The worst part is... Eveytime when it reaches 4PM, I start to feel hungry. Plus the library aircond is damn kau kau giler cold. So I had to let my stomach play the orchestra for about one hour untill I can go back. Lol. So when I reach home I gobbled up watever I can find at home *Munch munch* Thank goodness my metabolism rate is high. If not *Poof* definitely will gain some kg's. Hehe. Another worst part is....it rained almost every evening. And it made me wanna doze off in the library. Ish ish.

Next week will be my last week for lectures and tutorials. So next week I will also be in the library on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday till 5PM. Who wanna join me? Haha. Hopefully I will pass this time. No. I MUST pass this time. Worked hard for it. So I want a good output too! *Sqeueezes eyes and prays to God* You reap what you sow. Hehe. Oh and I really need to exercise wei! Not to loose weight la. To keep fit. Hoho. That day during cell I turned my leg to position it in a different way and there was the sound *Kreeek*. That's the sign man! Okay I shall do it........After exam.......... Lol.

Besides library sessions, I had lots of meetings too. I was elected as Editor for the coming Info Tech week in June. Then also the Assistant Editor Director for TT Nite committee coming up in July. So an Editor's job is to design the banners, flyers, tickets, etc etc to promote the event. Aya, how? My creativity level very char one la. Hehe. Who good in arts? Give me ideas!! =)

Oh no. Time to sleep. Its 2.17 am. Usually I'll be halfway dreaming about something on my bed already. Kekeke. Good nights peoples~

Ish. the fonts going crazy!

*Wanna go Redang lar*

07 April 2007

Oi Oi~
Finally got my last sem results. Finally....Its gonna be end of this semla dei, now only they release! Unefficient betui! Kekeke. Anyway, as expected, my results teruk kau kau. No need to ask me my CGPA la. From all the previous post also you can roughly guess kan? =S Well, I felt kinda pai sieh when we compared our cgpa's. Of course among my geng of friends, mine is the worst lor. It felt kinda dissapointing and sad, so I just kept quiet (As usual, what I will do when I'm dissapointed/sad) . Hmm, not quite.....VERY, VERY dissapointing and sad =(

Then when I took my resit bill...Walao..I look at the list of people that has to resit..37 people. But that's my course only. It doesnt include the seniors who also sat for the same subject as us last sem. So its actually 37++ ..Sigh.. Anyway, what's done is done. Thou shall not complain. Haha. Looks like I have to try harder, extra extra harder. And thank God for good friends of mine, who are willing to support me. Oh and guess what? Next week I shall spend the whole afternoon in the library studying for 3 days. Yes. I suddenly have the urgency and full determination to study hard. Hehe. Don't ask me why. I think maybe yesterday afternoon I was day-dreaming about my results, so it struck me> To lock myself in the library, avoiding all the distraction at home. Hoho. See... Day-dreaming also good wei!

Oh and also found out that Sirn Loong got the same gred as me for his English paper
P/S: Loong, takpe. I was just as geram as you. Don't knowla how they mark the paper.*Scratch head*

Anyway *Booo* to results. This whole week I didnt study much because had to finish assignments and also lots lots of meeting to attend. Itu SWC la. We're having a Mini PC Fair in June, and someone elected me as Editor! Ish ish. So me have to prepare the background for the flyers.

Okay enough about results. Mega sale has started! Unfortunately, I'm stuck with my books. So hopefully the sale is still on till May. Keke. Oh and I snapped a few pictures with my phone camera. Random ones la. I didn't photoshop, just added the wordings.

Tanglung along Sri Rampai

On the way home

At a restaurant in Sungai Wang


And I always thought my camera phone was lausy
Of course, don't la compare with you people punya 3.0 megapixel one
At least nice, clear pictures like above can be taken

Before me sign off for lunch

*Gobble gobble,munch munch*

04 April 2007

Ou ou Results are out tomorro
*As in real results with the CGPA*

Who cares!

I can roughly guess what my cgpa will be like,since failed 2 subjects.
So don't tell me also me don't care. Don't wanna know lagi bagus~



I feel weird now. Sad? Dissapointed?..Hmm..Nolar. Stress kut. Haha. Spent one whole afternoon doing assignment. Got one more to go. Both due next week. After that tekan tekan calculator, was doing taxation tutorial. Then after dinner, read Auditing, something which I wish I didn't have to read anymore till Advance Diploma *Thanks to the failure +_+ * Then watched my fav. series, Grey's Anatomy...But so tragic.

The intern doctor fell in love with a heart patient. Then she made his heart condition worse so that he will be given the 1st priority from the heart doner. He did manage to get it and went through the operation. But... Moments after the operation, when she was a bout to see him, he died on the hospital bed just like that. *And you know what the worst part is? He actually proposed to marry her!! >,< * So after he passed away, she quit as an intern.

Sigh. Sad ei... Poor thing. One fella dies, the other gives up being a future doctor. And you wouldn't believe it.I cried watching that sad scene *Turns pink* Bahaha. Well what can I say. I'm a girl with full of emotions *wink wink* . And apparently a girl who cannot tahan when it comes to laughing. Okays. Times up. I wanna crash. I have no idea why,but nowadays I get sleepy very early. Goodnighty people~
I'm gonna join my friend>>>

*Tadaaa*Dua sekawan

It pigging time

03 April 2007

My United Friends

I've got too many pictures of them
So I decided to create a lil album
of me and my buddies,
We're all in black not because of a funeral
*No one dies, thank God.Lol.*
All of us are part of the same committee(SWC)
Known them for 1 year plus
Thank God for them
*Cherish your friends*

01 April 2007

CHOPPED my hair just now after church service together with Rachie at Snips aka Spins near Wangsa Maju. We were early so we ate at a shop opposite the salon and waited almost 1 hours for the salon to open. Ish ish. Plus, it rained heavily. Hoho. The new hairdo makes me look different. How different? Hmm. It makes me look younger, it looks gangster-ish if I blow it dry,and it looks rocker chic-ish =) Basically, it doens't look like me!! Kinda short, with fringe, but I think its cool Kekeke. Price=RM28...Kinda expensive because the normal shop I usually go to only charges RM 12. Lol. 2X more expensive, but of course nicer la. Haha. I actually printed out the style I wanted and showed it to the hairstylist. Turned out looking almost like the picture. I was deciding between 2 styles. So I'll be keeping the other one for my next hair cut. Kikiki.Ms. Rachie trimmed her hair. Bob cut!!! Bob cut is in fashion once again. Anyway, it suits her. So cantik also lar =) Macam David Beckham punya lou poh! Lol.

Me hair style!

Eyes panda-fied cause woke up early for 1st service.
Mind the pose. "She" had to me a model for her dad.
Dad testing portrait photography skills.
*ting ting*
And now I can imagine those profesional models.
"Smile properly la, shoulder dontla senget too much, look there la."
One word in my head>>"ISH!Sau seng and Fai ti la!"

Ish ish. Why is it I always look so roundish in pictures.....Hurms~
This haircut makes my face more bulat and....Younger!! >,<
1 hr wait+ heavy rain+ RM 28 + Stylo= Worth it~
Kekeke. Agree??=)

Signing off,