Ms.Kari:(asks the whole class)Have you guys been on a date before?(points at someone)You?
Every single person she asks says NO except for one girl who was neither shaking nor nodding her head.
Ms looks like there's only 1 honest person here.Ok...when you go on a date,where do you usually sit?
Boy:On the chairla....
Everyone laughs out loudly.
Ms.Kari:(covers head)..Ahyo...of coursela seat on the chair.For the 1st date if u go to the lake then different story la.But what i meant is,do you sit opposite or side or behind ur date.AHYO!Ok..let say you sit opposite,what do you usually see your date doing?
Girl:erm...talkinglo..(sweeps her hair behind her ear when she says this)
Ms kari:I knowla talk.Ayo!Smartla you guys.AH HAH!She just did that!Did u see her sweep her hair.Why do you think people on a date will do that,whether a guy or girl?
Girl2:Too pai leng so that more lengui or leng zhai.Eh no to attrack attention.
Ms kari:Aaah...yes to attrack attention to their face.You need to sweep also sweep.Somemore if hair tied up also sweep.Guys pulak,no hair also sweep their bald head.
Then the whole class bursts into laughter.
Man I love English,only for this sem la..Thank God for such a hillarious lecturer.
Then during a lecture session(macroeconomics).......I call him C.C. cos he is ahponn abit.
Mr C.C:Unemployment happens everywhere in the world.And there are many catogies of people in unemployment.For example you see housewifes.They sit at home...and do nothing.Only know how to shake legs.And there are retirees.Rubbish.All got nothing else to do.
Then suddenly........
Boy:(shouts from where he is sitting)Excuse me sir.My dad is a retiree.So you are saying he's rubbish la hah!
The whole lecture hall bursts into laughter.LMAO!That was a good one.
Yay I love this sem!

Time for bola..huahua.BYE!
Miss Lili.
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