Last Saturday,ISCA had a games event called Team Spirit 2(continuation from Team Spirit 1)..We suppose to start at 9am,but of course being Malaysians 9am means 10am.LOL!We had to gather in the seksyen 5 Wangsa Maju school padang.Oh was SOSOSOSOOOO HOT!We were divided into 6 groups.And as usual,I always kena lantik jadi group leader.ISH!But after 2 games,I curi tulang and went missing from my group!Muahahaha!The 1st games was called..erm...'Baywatch Run' i think.One person was to sit at the other end of the field with a water bottle on his/her head.The other members were suppose to take a cup and run to him/her and fill the bottle.Whoever fills the bottle until it is full the fastest will win.But of course its not as simple as that.Each person,before running,will have to point their finger on the ground and turn around 5 times and then run.Gosh.,.the running part was so funny.Everyone was like running left right left right after that dizzy turn.And most of us ended up pouring water on the fellas head(because he had to hold the bottle on his head) instead of in the bottle.HAHAH!
The second game was the most pathetic but fun.Four person from each group had to wear stockings,ladies stokings with an egg in it.Then we were all running around with the egg on our head.We had to run around smashing other people's egg.So gross.And my friend told me the egg was like..2 weeks old?*yeeee....Dont know whether thats true.HAHA!
Anyways we had lunch at around 12 something.Then had meeting with pastor Caleb for 45 minutes.Talk talk talk...After that they had dont know what mummy game.I think they were wrapping one member with tissue paper all over the body.I wasnt there to join the fun.I was berboraking with a few people in the canteen.In the canteen Kee Aun was showing us the BGR Forum leaflet that will be going on on 25th June.The title of the forum was"Boy meets Girl"..Hmm..I was just asking them why it was boy meets girl and not girl meets boy...Or why not boy meets girl simultineously?Haha..yesh.I like to ask alot of questions.Yipee!After that we saw something interesting going on...Wateeeeeerr splashing timeeeee!!!!!YAYYYY!Its always fun to get wet.
Anyway here g

The tai kar jie,game organizer,Jess Ho..Speaking on the loud speaker."ok people.Lets shut up and get started!gogogogo!" LOL!Kesian Leonard standing there.LOL!

Here goes three donkeys in the field.Eh wait...I see one monkey with a tail in the middle..*scratches head* and he wears a hanky?WOW!HAHA~ weeeee looks like he's enjoying the sight of that monkey.Go monkey!

And here we are with the stokings on our head.Jimi behind me plans to squash the egg...and my brains too.*cover cover*We look like some perompak,planning to steal the school..erm...toilet bowl?Hahahaha...Anyway,Sirn Loong managed to smack my egg,and i had egg all over my head.Nooooooooooooo!I smelled like egg for one whole day.*sigh..Next time must bring dettol.

My three cell members plus one penceroboh at the far right.They enjoy being banggali's with stoking turbans.LMAO!

My cell member,tengah siram pokok bunga.He looks like he's enjoying it very muchie!In his head "Pokok oh pokok.Berbungalah dengan banyak dan mekar sekali!"
Anyways,we ended at around 3.30pm.After that some of them stayed back and played football.I wanted to attend saturday service so me left earlier.Then went to weeeee's house to mandi.Rach was admiring his house upstairs .." spacious!"...Hahah..."Why no fan one?"...swt..Weeeee,you have to give her an answer for that.And his house is very very quiet.Then after that his mom cooked,what me and Rach calls,the slurpee mee(because the 'slurrp' sound comes out when we eat that mee.Yummy...then the neighbour was like playing the makarina song at least 3 times i think.Zzzzz......Then after that we went service.In servise I was sleeping+dreaming...haha..ops..repent repent.Then after that was YA campus cell meeting..Sleeepppppyyyyyyy...................
Oh k..thats it.Lazy to tell you anymore stuff already.Haha!Chaoz peeps!
Signing off,
Miss Lili
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