Then at night,there was a concert.So we stayed on until the concert started.At the conference I met alot of my friends.First of all was Clifford,my senior from my high school.Then next was my YA forum friend,Jeshua,who was sitting in front of me.I recognise him but I wasnt sure whether it was really him as I havent seen him face to face before.Such a coinsidence.So when they asked us to shake people's hands,we like shoke and went like "Hi.At last we met.Didnt dare to greet each other,in case we got the wrong person.Haha!"..........LOL!Then there was the lunch session.......

Yummy yummylicious.Here goes May Shyen with her sexy mouth attacking the food.*slurp.So cute.HAHA!

After receiving the phrophesy,I got very excited.GO GO GO!Yippeeeeee!Giving semangat to someone.Haha!Check out my hand movement weh...Ganas!Extra speed.

Not only did I get excited,Wendee aka Ahma was hyper.Super duper hyper!Look at her!Really must send her to Tanjung Rambutan.I think someone masukkkan pill highness in her lunch.LMAO!Eh no wait!She looks as if someone going to rogol her.But why is she so happy when she gona kena rogol?Swt!HAHAHA!

OK.That was lunch break.Now here goes conferencing.......

Michelle in the pink shirt,sleeping..May Shyen,on the way to dreamland already..Me,biting my fingers,concentrating very hard for whats for dinner(HAHA!)...Rachew,tengah garu something...Wendee,Missing when terfikir about Wingyew!...........HAHAHA!Semua ada aktiviti sendiri.

During br

Getting ready to posey for a snap,but Rachew sudah ready with her posy.Me and May Shyen still halfway dreaming.
We had to like retake 3 times because everytime we ended up lauhging instead of snapping a picture.After the 3rd time we finally snapped a nice one.

Rachew macam merajuk.MAY Shyen pun sama.Me?I look as if I just got a letter to move out from the house!LOL!
Anyway that was it.The conference.By the time the concert habis(actually we left earlier) we were all half dead.Thats it for now.
Signing off,with backache.
Miss Lili.
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