30 October 2007

H-to the-A-to the -PPPPY!

I am one happy person right now. In fact I was so gan-cheong until I woke up by myself this morning without relying on the alarm. Today , at 10.05am, I logged into the college website to my previous sems result. Hoho. I was praying real hard last night, but I didn't expect I will do this well. Its been a long time I've seen such results.

Ah just cut it short. I had 4 subjects last sem, and my results... I got 3 A's and one B+ .Lol the be minus really destroyed the looks of the A wei! TARC currently changed their grading system. Last time it was just either A/B/C/D. Now they have A/A-/B+/B/B-/C+/C/C-..... So they kinda like upgraded the standart. So if you just drop by one mark, your A- will be a B+ . Oooh I just realise if I just added a few marks my B+ could have been an A-. Lols. Plus the B was for English! ENGLISH!! Last time I got a C !! Oooi how do they actually mark the paper?? Do I have to actually write like an angmoh?? Hoho. So don't take english paper got granted people.

Well thank God for such good results. Now I can't wait to see the cgpa results. Wheee~

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