12 October 2007

8am-8pm Part 2

Oh good morning. Now I shall continue with what I posted before this.

Before the movie, we were searching for the gift for him. So being girls, and with the sales on, we side tracked to so many shops along the way. The 1st shop we side tracked to was
Vincci+Padini+Seed. Ended up buying a top. Lols.

We wanted blue, but the pink was nicer.
Hmm. After the movie we had yum-cha session at some shop that is famous for its bubble tea. They have all types of flavours. I didn't fancy tea that much so I ordered something with plum and suinmui. Not bad, but kinda sweet. By the time the movie ended it was 5.30pm so we didn't wanna leave yet. The MRR2 highway would be jammed like mad at that time. So we yum cha-ed till 7 plus.
I like the walls of the bubble tea shop
Nana & Lili
The perempuans*dush**smack*

The shop had entertainment such as cards and chess/chinese chess to enjoy at the same time
Some of our May intake friends joined us for the movie onwards too.

And so the day ended. I fetched my friends back to Melati Utama and headed back home. Tiring day but it was a great one.

Happy 20th to Jeremy aka Ahpek. Lol.The Happy Hippy Gang

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