12 February 2007

Dreams & Prophecy

Oi Oi Oi I am back!
Yay, exams are over,at last!Here I am back to my blog at last.Hmm. Let me see. Well my paper ended on Saturday, 4PM. I was quite satisfied with the paper because I could do it without craking my head much. The best thing is I could remember all that I read and memorized quite accurately (BTW its a reading subject,Human Resourse.Ugh!Boring.) . So I just scribbled all the main points before I actually wrote down all the other elaborations. Har har. It was the easiest paper among all the other papers that I sat this semester. Hopefully I can get an A for this subject. Heehee. I manage to finish ten MCQ questions in less than 10 minutes.Lol. No no. I didn't cincai do okay. Anyway, the weather that Saturday afternoon was rather hot. No. extremely hot. By the time I reach the exam block I was soaking in sweat and felt as if my brains were melting under the heat. >,<>

After that last paper, I had to rush to church because I was on duty for service. Tiring tiring. But serving the Lord, it never left me tired. Heehee. After service I was suppose to go for the Youth Aflame Chinese New Year dinner. But because of lazyness and tiredness I didn't go. So I went home and crashed about 11.30pm that night. That night I couldn't sleep that well. Don't know why. Maybe I worried too much about my exam papers, those that were extremely tough. Maybe I was worried about other stuffs. Ahem. "Other stuffs". I felt a little disturbed that night. Haha. Its just always like that. When I think so much about something at night, then I would end up with a sleepless night. Not only that. That night some ganas cat and dog were fighting. I was sleeping quite soundly when a super loud bark woke me up. Then I heard the cat shrieking meowing and the dog woofing, as if the dog was gonna eat the cat up. Woosh ganas. After that barking and meowing, I couldnt go back to sleep after a while. Then I started to think, day dream as usual. Lol. Day dreaming when I'm suppose to be sleeping. Tsk tsk. After quite some time, I managed to sleep again.

The next Sunday morning, I woke up at 6.55am. Due to not having a good night's rest, I had triple eyelids and my eyebags were bengkak a bit. Huah. Even Rach said it was obvious from far O.o I had to dance for all the services again. Although it was tiring, I sill enjoyed it. Hehe. Dancing, it will always be my passion =) . Then at some of the service Pastor prophecied over some people.

During the 3rd service, one of the lady he prophecied over had the same name as me! Waa... hark sei ngor. When pastor called her name " Lilian isn't it?" At that moment the worship team just came in, so I was still half prepared. I was shocked because I thought he was calling me. Adui. Lol. Rupa-rupanya its another lady who had the same name as me. Hmm. Tak bessla having the same name as people. Keke. After pastor prophecied over that lady, he prophecied over another man. Then....................
Lo AnD behold!

Pastor pointed at one of the dancers "YOU!" Omg.
That was me !!!...........................................
I was kinda stoned at that moment. Me? Me? Ok Ok. So I just left my tamborine and went forward. So there and then, I received a prohecy. Fuh. My 1st one. While Pastor was praying over me, tears rolled down my cheek. Hmm. What was the prophecy ar? Aya. Cannot remeber all la. So the long. Haha. But didn't expect I will receive one. Hmm. Maybe God knew about my thinkings and day-dreamings and disturbance the night before. Haha. Well, God works in wonderful ways. Anyway, I'm still thinking about it. Somehow it felt different after receiving it. It was as if I was changed and all the worries and burdens left me. There were so many questions that you wanted answers but God never revealed it right to you face. I'm sure at times you felt the same way isn't it? Hmm. Anyway, no need to question God. We should keep our trust and faith in him. That's what gives us hope, through Him. Hehe.

After service was over, I went home and helped my mom make cookies for CNY. Every year we made cookies, but every year it gets less because one by one all the workers in my house left (Because of studies lar. Not because kena fired.) . Haha. When we were young our house is like a factory one week before CNY. My mom even forgot to fetch me from school one time because she was too busy with the cookies. In the end one teacher saw me alone and called my house. Lol. This time we made less because there were less hands to help out. I slept at 11.30 pm again.2 days in a row. I've never slept so early since...since...my last trip to Genting, which was in October. Ahak.

Oh yea. I finally changed my template after browsing the net, from every nook and corner for a nice template. I choose red, because it gonna be CNY soon!Keke. Plus Valentines is on Wednesday (As if I'm celebrating =.="). But the main reason I chose this template is because I love the tiger lilies on top, at the header of this skin. Niceleh the flower! Hmm. I guess that's all for now.

*Holiday boringness*
Miss Liliz

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