14 November 2006

Last words

The journey has ended, at least for the time being.
It has made a pit stop,

I have locked my heart,
And I shall wait,
And wait,
For years to pass by down the road,
The time is right,
What leads to my heart
the 'key' that will open the lock.

The promises I have made,
Kept deep within,
And it shall be safe,
Although it will cost alot.
But promises are promises,
Guilty as charged if I break it.

And as I wait,
I'm hanging,
On God's mercy.
Day and night I pray,
That time will send a new beginning.
As I wait,
As i grasp on God's grace,
The strenght that gave me hope,
The love that drove my fears away....
Will never fade away.................

Signing off, with love and grace and..all the fruits of the Spirit.And also with a heavy eyebag, and heavy head, and backache, and slight flu.Hmm.You won't be seeing any post from me for..maybe quite some time.Until then, my bloggy is taking a vacation.To...erm..dreamland?Hehe.Take care people, take care bloggy.Don't miss me kay???Love you everyone!Love you bloggy!Thanks for reading my bloggy.Terima kasi.Thank you.Arigato. Kamsahamida.

I am me,pleaasee remember me!LI-LI-LIS-LIS-AN-AN-AN-AN-AN.
marked in black and white

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