15 October 2006

Last Days

Eeeeeiiiii(Hehe.My new found greeting word) ...people.Today is Sunday!(Yeah,so??Sabbath day lar!).Ish.I know its Sabbath Dayla dei. Its Sunday and its the last day of the holidays for me.Eh.Wait.For me not last day.Harhar.I just went to the college web to print out my new timetable.And I don't have classes on Mondays!Again....Three sems in a row I don't have classes on Mondays.But this sem, I have 8am lectures for two days.Zzzzzz-er...and one day I end at 5.30pm.Hmm.But the timetable doesn't look that stressful (Ahem.Doesn't look nia.Looks can be deceiving.Keke.)....But, the subjects looks stressful.5 main units weh!I see also I get scared...Basic auditing...Fundamental of Finance...Human resource....etc etc...HUAH!I think this sem I might turn into a nerd.....Noooo!!Black frame+super thick glasses=Disasterous!Nono.Although I'm studious I'm not nerdy nerdy.And never will be one *Thumbs up* =)
Anyway, this last week me have been enjoying..and also sufferingla.The sufering part was..doing the SBS Nite proposal.But my department head was nice enough to thank me and said he wanna belanja me.Ahaha!At least he's appreciative.Somemore I wasn't the Head secretary.Only konco.But I end up doing all the work.Hmm.
Then went to Mid Valley on Friday with my "adopted brother" aka my "super duper good friend" Lol.Ehehe.Super duper good friend who doesn't like eating muffins!Went to see Rob-B-Hood.Hmm.Not bad not bad.It was worth watching.Another one of Jackie Chan's humourous movie.And the baby actor in that movie was superrrr cute *ah..melts*.Then we walked walked around.Then dropped by Pet Wonderland.I think we spended quite some time in that shop.The longest.Then we found a super fatty rabbit there.Like one big fluffy soft toy.Haha.Although we dont have a pet at home, we looked at everything in Pet Wonderland..and found lots of weird stuff....Bioballs...etc..Then after that went dinner then went to cell group meeting.After the meeting, went yumcha. Then....home sweet home.That was my Friday Night fever.
Hmmmm.I guess thats all. Sigh. Its back to school.Eh no.College.Have to adjust my brains to 'study mode' once again *yawns*
Have a great week people. Till then......adios , sayonara..God Bless!

Miss Lilis~

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