16 September 2006


Hmm.Good morning people.Its a Saturday morning,where you piggies will be still asleep right now.Hah.ZZZZ.Me,woke up early today.Last night cannot sleep.Hehe.Another sleepless night,although the weather was so nice. I toss and turned,I think more than half an hour(I think..) untill my bladder also full.Ish.Then came back from the toilet and pusing-pusing.Untill I forced myslelf to sleep.Manage to,after a Long time.Hmm.Now I feel kinda tired.But I don't feel sleepy.lol.Apala...Haiya.No mood to study la..And the weather is so gloomy.It makes me feel gloomy toohoo!=( =/
Aih.Gotta go squeeze my brain juice. with Quantitative Studies.Gotta find my mood back also,by eating.Hah!No,it'll never work.Ice cream?Naah..That only works for my sis.Lolipop?No.That's for little kiddies.
Ish.Dahla.Sien already.Bye.

Fly me far far away!
Miss Lilis

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