12 September 2006

#Exam-Xam Fever;Headache#

Aha.Today is the 2ND day of my exam.EE!Just the second day.Hmm.Today was BM paper.Boringggg!Boringgg!The paper contains 3 sections,whereby all of the section are>>essays!Yeee!First section,rencana 400 patah perkataan(I write 350 during SPM also like have to perah brain juice so hard already,now tambah another 50!) .Second section is interpretasi data,where they give a pie chart/graph bar/histogram with all the values.So we must interprete it.First time in BM,something that involves calculations.LOL!Then the last section is translating a short English passage into BM.Swt.I never ever liked this section.Luckily they didnt give a passage with big words this time.Overall the paper was...not easy not hard.Neither,so its in between.Hmm.I almost couldn't finish the paper on time.I actually finish my last sentence at the spot.The lausy translating sectionla.Haiyo.I was left with like...5 minutes????!So I kept myself calm and started to think really hard for the right words during that 5 minutes.Hehe!*_*#
Anyway when you rush things,your mind also begins to go'senget-ted'.Haha!There were some parts where I couldnt think of that particular word.So after the paper we were babbling around(as usual, when we get so gan cheong) about the paper;

Jeremy:Ei!How?Diela die.What you put for the word 'corals' ah?
Me:Er..Batu karang lo.
Jeremy:.............(I forgot what he said he put already.Hehe.)
Me:Eh Wen Lin!Whats the word 'park ranger' in Malay ah?
Wen Lin:HmM.Same as the English one.Just change the spelling.So its 'renjer taman'.
Me:*eyeballs enlarge* OHYA HOH!Crap.You know what I wrote...Penjaga Taman!
Wen Lin:*LOL**smiles* ahyo.Samela.Ranger=renjer.
Me:*Buat muka hampa*

Hmm.Now to think of it.Ranger=renjer.Why didn't I think of that.LOL!*scratches head*..Hahahaha!Penjaga taman.What a word.If I were the person marking the paper then I think I would be laughing here and there with all the weird words the student wrote.Hehehe!Who knows maybe my word 'penjaga taman' might be accepted =D...
Anyways,thats all for now.Next paper is Fundamentals of Accounting *gasps* on Thursday.So many accounts to open,so many formats to memorise,so many things to calculate.Bla bla bla.So catcha ya people later ooo!

P/S>For those having major(and even minor exams) .....
And of course......
Take care!

Cant wait for holz;
Miss Lilis

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