10 September 2006


Hei there people!I'm back once again.Haven't been updating because its the exam season.I have been studying almost day and night.No stress,don't worry.Haha!I never get stressed out during exam.Just that I get tired quite easily.What to do.The only thing I do is read and read and read.Zzzz...Then most nights I'm sleeping late so my eyebags are getting black.Hehe.Must 'restore' it to its normal colour once the holidays start(which is approximately 2 weeks more).
Anyway,Saturday was my first paper(Cacat weh.Paper on a Saturday)>English.Hmm.Macam SPM paper,except there is no literature and most of it is essay writing.I hope my essay was okay.Havent been writing essays since...since I got out of school.LOL!Skill also sure karat alaready.
During the English paper..ahem.Aku stomach perut.Cis!Wasted at least 5 minutes or more at the toilet.Must be something I ate the night before.Luckily I already had an idea on what to write on,so I didn't really had to rush.I had to write on the title"Causes and Effects of Traffic Congestion".Hmm.Not bad not bad.Quite an easy subject to write on.
Next paper is on Tuesday>BM.Eeee!I was hoping I would never ever bump into any thing to do with BM already.See see.BM muncul.Tsssk!Then on Friday is accounts.Then the week after that,3 subjects in one week.So looks like its time for brain-cracking session this coming weekend.Hmm.Anyway,I just popped by since I was resting my eyes.So gotta get back to my books now.
See ya!God bless and have a great week.

*mata sepet*
Miss Lilis

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