08 August 2006

I Like.....

Lilis like........
  • Myslef?Harhar!No harm liking myself right?
  • Anything hot and spicy.
  • To swim.
  • To dance,for God!
  • Korean drama!
  • to go to the beach.Lie on the sand and stare at the stars!
  • to stare at people with nice big eyes!
  • to be a papparazi.Taking pictures of people when they dont want to.
  • doggies,puppies!
  • cherry blossoms!
  • to dream!(My part-time job =))
  • Going to someone's house and spend the day there chatting with him/her.
  • Listening to the sound of the wind.
  • Smiling?Yes.People say I smile alot.LOL!
  • To laugh until i cry.

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