11 August 2006

Paparazzi Hostel

Helos there people.I'm back!Today I would like to promote TARC hostel.Ahem.As usual,when I have lots of free time,i would follow my two friends back to their hostel.Tuesday I brought my camera because we had to take a picture of my tutorial class.So as usual..me..become papparazzi!Muahahaha!Its nice to snap pictures of people when they dont notice.Anyway,here goes my experience at the hostel.Sorry Chris and Sharon..I just like it!And don't kick me out when I wanna go to your hostel room again!Yipeee!

The penghuni of the room,watak utama;

This is the shoe rack,with lots and lots of other stuff besides food.LOL!

And this is Sharon's table,with her laptop,books,food,etc. etc...

Christina,enjoying her chap fann from TBR.

Christina's soft toy;pink pig.Can play volleyball with it because it is quite hard.HAHA!Eh,looks like Dungu!LOL!jk jk....

Anyway,I didn't want to take the picture of the whole room.If you see it,you sure pengsan because it is very 'tidy and clean'.Yea,that's right.LOL!Nola..their room is not tidy,not clean.In between,like mine!Muahaha!Except that mine got more unwanted barangs in the room.Keke..
Hokies,I wanna chaos dulu!Taaataaaaaaa!

Signing off,hostel intruder!
Miss Lilis =)

1 comment:

Jyan said...

U change template and lost all your contacts and chat box izzit :P