07 August 2006

*God this God that *

Hmm..I have been reading,dropping by people's bloggy recently.There has been alot of questions about God(not from me,from the blogs that i read).Hmm..to give it a thought,sometimes God can be weird.Or maybe it's just our human nature to question God.Well,I don't know.Being a Christian may be hard.Sometimes you may ask God for something in a prayer,but you wait and wait and wait until you get sick,and still the prayer is never answered.Then there goes 'why this why that' to God.Sometimes you ask for a miracle,but it doesn't seem to happen.Why?We don't have the answers to that.Maybe it's just the way God works with us.Or maybe we just aspect too much that when we don't get it we start to loose our faith in God.
God works in different ways,that sometimes we don't even know.Sometimes God is helping,but we never seem to realise.Above everything we have to know that life is empty without God.Every breath that you take comes from God.Every blessing comes from God.God has a purpose for each and everyone of us.It is a test to keep our faith strong in Him.Even though there may be up's and down's in life, we have to trust God for his favour upon us.Sometimes we pray so hard for something and feel like God is not listening, believe that God is there to listen to listen.It may be days or weeks or months or years that you may be praying.Just keep your faith and trust in Him,and you will see it happen.Maybe it's God's timing.Or maybe God has different plans.So never stop seeking and crying out to God.
Ahem.Swt!I better dont start preaching.Anyway,thats just a piece of my mind.Hehe!Take care and God bless each and everyone that is reading this abundantly!

miss lilis

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