03 July 2006


Hmmm...dont know why nowadays no moody to bloggy.Everytime I sign in to blogspot and come to postings..zzz...My head is empty.Ideas gone...creativeness gone....my siaoness to blog siao stuff also..G-O-N-E!(Wa..and this is the one thing that keeps my blog alive;siaoness!).Maybe I still have the siao ideas,but it just doesnt come out.My ideas are like stucked in the penjara..Penjara otak.Even now Im like taking more than 5 minutes to think for each sentence im typing now.Deng....That's it.I perah my juice otak until I have nothing to say already.So if you see my blog stagnent,not updated..then you know whyla kay..Im blank.I want a vacation.

P/S:Ji jian ah..My giler side reducing already..I know.Its so not me.

Miss Lili.

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