20 June 2006

deep in thought

The things I see the things I hear,
I wonder If I can bear ever to hear,
The truth that lies in every word,
It makes me wonder and ponder.

Gossips and stories,
Are they always true?
Judging people by what they hear,
Is that a right thing to do?

I only follow the whispers of my heart,
And ask wisdom from God on high,
For He can only show the truth,

So there's no need for me to think anymore.

Though Im confused,
With questions in my head,
Follow my heart,
Thats what I will do.

So all I have to say,
Is that I trust in you,
No matter what happens,
I will stand by you.

Drama for the day..Deep in thought ~meha meha~ BLUEKS!

Miss Lili.

1 comment:

Jyan said...

Not used to read stuff u write when u think so deep...

Too used to seeing the "giler" side of u i guess.