30 June 2006

Stress stress

Aaahhh...What a week..Sorry people I havent updated my bloggy for quite some time..Alot of things happening.First of all..the paling sakit hati one...My computer monitor kong!NOOOOOOOOO!Such a right timing..I was finding stuff for my assignment at that time and the lauyar monitor ko-ed.Deng!And i like have to pass up my assignment next next day!!Arrgh!I need the printerrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!AAAAAAAAH!I need to type assignment,i need to type type my english presentation outline!I need to find info for my assignment!!!!!YOH!ISH!Seela..so handicapped without the computer!Zzzzz........Must be my bro play too much of 'world of warcraft' already.Kesian my bro...He's like so bored without his Warcraft game.All he does is sleep,eat,sleep..and walk around the living room.LOL!
Then yesterday was my coursework..but unfortunately...college tarak electricity!Muahaha..canceled!But that means more work for me next week.Next week=3 coursework,1 presentation and assignment due.*sighs......
Wooopsie...Gotta chaoz..Time to go back to my house.

Signing off,from rachels's housey.
Miss Lili~

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