07 May 2006

Sem 1,Gone!

Yaaaay!Today is the,the happiest day of..erm...my 1st sem..lol!Aku sudah habis semester 1...besarnye aku!*swt*.....1st sem sudah habis,gone,kau tim,lesap,terhapus,finished..(hmm..I don't know the ahnehneh versionleh..LOL!)Hhhmmm...time flies drastically,faster than the wind,faster than the fastest jet-plane,faster than the bullet train..(okok,that's enough.)Indeed time goes by very fast.It feels like 1 week,when it's actually only one month.Hmm...Can you believe it?Its actually going to be the middle of the year in one months time.Wow!!*checks calendar*Before you know it,it's already the end of the year.Another year gone,just like that.Accomplished anything??*looks left,looks right*...Maybe no.
Semester exam was okay I guess(mark my words'i guess')...Well at least the last paper,I could answer it and finish it a few minutes earlier.The other papers were..In between hard and easy.Ahya,but so suey man.During the last paper today,I experience some natural processes that I should not experience during an exam.I was almost late for the paper.The moment I sat down on the chair.......nature's calling!Darn!And it's like the 'big' nature's calling.Giler weh..So I had to tahan for like 2 hours.*swt swt*Next time,remember to go to the toilet before an exam,even if you don't have the urgency to use it.
After the exam was done.........MERDEKAAAAA!For 3 weeks,then sem2 starts.Then went to church for meeting with pastor.I missed ISCA meeting this week again.Then after that,went for yum cha session with chengz,ahma,and rachew.Its been a long time since we berborak.So as usual we all naik giler when ejeking ahma with 'someone'.Then we talked about the badminton thomas cup,where Malaysia lost again(as usual..lol.So sarcastic.)We didn't manage to stay long because we left for servise after that.
At night,I spended my time playing The Sims.Destroying the houses and making the sims sick=fun!Then I onlined and chatted with my four crazy fellows again>chengz,ahma and rachew.My online sessions is always great when four of us are online,together in a chatboxz.HAHa!As usual,we will be ejeking ahma and talking crap all the way.And ending up with stomach aches because of those extra laughing hormones.Then because of the rainy weather,chengz and rach kept signing in and out.We thought they merajuk because of the ejekings.Lol!

Okie dokie.Times up.Tomorrow=driving lessons.Another day in the hot car,the best place to bath in sweat.
Signing off,Miss LiLi*

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