11 May 2006

Happy The Wacky The duddly Day

Today I went to Sungei Wang Plaze and Times Square,at last.Its been a long time since I visited the 'ah lian' place.It's been a long time since I visited sg wang,but I can see that sg wang still remains the same 'ah lian' ground.LOL!Not to say that everyone that goes there becomes or is an 'ah lian' though.I don't buy 'ah lian' clothes okay!!!*sticks out tongue*Don't believe me come and see my sis and my closet.Guarentee no 'ah lian' ones.If there are any 'ah lian' ones,that means my mom must have thrown it into the closet to use as a rag.Yes,that's right!RAG!Even old underwears become rags in my house..(ok,pretend u didn't read that.*opss...).Okok,so I went sg wang with my school close friends.I have close friends all over.So don't ask me how many I have.
Since stupid Rapid KL change routes,it doesnt go straight to sg wang from my place.Since my friend told me we had to change at least 3 buses,we took the LRT instead.Then we took the monorail to Bukit Bintang.We reached there quite early so there were very little shoppers in sg wang.Great timing.No one can fight with us for the fitting room!MUAhahahah.....zzzz....cough.So we shopped shopped and shopped.*pant pant*.After a while we got bored then we went to times square instead,to look for a gift for my friends' ahem ahem'.We sat and we walked,sat and walked ,sat and walked,till our legs started to hurt.So we went back to sg wang..Unfortunately it started to rain so we ended up getting wet abit.Darn!Why must rain now?ISh!!!Then we rounded sg wang ......again for the second time and decided to get a Mother's Day gift since its coming soon.After that we decided to go back.Its never nice to walk with your feet feeling so numb and your money flying out of the wallet just like that.Temptation...is...hard..to....arrgghh....It is always there.
So we decided to take the same route we took to come.OH my...When I saw the long line at the monorail counter,my heart melted(like ice cream cake.LOL!).Wrong timing.Office work is over.Everyone is rushing to get home.NOOOO!!!OK,whatever.So we decided to try to take a cab to KLCC.Unfortunately we wasted out time waiting for the taxi.None of the cab driver wanted to go to KLCC because of the massive jam!Ok..another big S.I.G.H.So we had no choice but to take the monorail.
In the monorail.....
It was jammed packed.I could barely breathe and the monorail was shaky so I wasn't able to balance myself.There was a man in front of me who didnt hold on to anything,I prayed that he won't fall flat and pull me down too.Well,it didn't happen.Phew!
In the dang wangi lrt station...
long long long line.But something caught our attention.There was a young man who,I think was getting frustrated because every train that stopped at this station was like a sardin tin.No one was getting out of the train.So his face was like so near the glass door,that we thought he was gonna start to kiss it,out of desperation.(lameness!).So me and my friend had nothing to do but to make fun of him.He must have fallen in love with the glass door.And we even laughed at a man who was like,admiring himself in the glass door reflection.This I must demo to you guys if I have the chance.HAHA!Guys there days...aih....Lol.Joking joking.
After a while we finally managed to squeeze into a train.Being a quite average sized girl,I was the mangsa of pushing and squeezing.Kesiannye aku.Hish....Then one lady with a stupid..dont know what...stupid soup book...what soup for the soul....whatever...She pushed me when I wanted to get into the train,and I was like gonna get pushed out of the train door.Thank goodness the train door didn't close.She needs to drink some soup,lady!!
Oh gosh....Its never nice to be in the train when its packed.Why?Because it always smells awful(not to say that I smell like pefume all the time).But it is..unbearable.And a tall man was like standing beside me with his hands on top,holding the grill..and his armpit...is like..right on top of me!!!!OH MAN!He needs to put on some deodorant.I was gasping for air all the time.When I got off the train,it was such a relief!*swt...*..
We took the rapid kl bus back to our taman.The bus driver was another crazy fellow.He drives at 100kmj at every corner.zzzzz..........Doesn't people driver any slower these days?Then I had to walk back home in the slight drizzle of the rain.It was a nice feeling though,feeling wet.Then had dinner and washed up.And sat down staring at my ugly fish in the aquarium.All they do is swim and eat.What a boring life!
Then at 10 something,I suddenly received a message from a friend whom I never go yum cha with,asking me to yum cha with him and another friend.Well,I was suprised but what the crap,I'm bored here.I wanna get out of this house for a moment.So off I went.As I was walking out of my gate,following behind my friend,someone sudddenly suprised me.I was numb for a moment,I turn my back...and said to myself"Am I dreaming??No,this can't be..OKOK.Let me turn back.OMG!WTC!!I'm really not dreaming!!"This fella wasn't supose to be here at this particular time.This person was suppose to be somewhere else.Whos that?I am not gonna tell you,cos it's a surprise.*giggles*.So we went yum char.Man,how blur can I be..How was I not to guess this person was here now...LOL!"....I'm high,super high.I think I need to sleep now!I just can't believe it!!

In the highest and wackiest state,signing off,
Miss LiLI

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