25 May 2006

Code Broken;At Mid Valley

By the title you can roughly guess what movie I just watched.Yes!It's The Da Vinci Code.Yesterday,my mass call committee members plus our head went to Mid Valley to watch a movie,which was the show I just stated.Since we worked so hard for the mass call day at TARC,my head decided to belanja us for the movie ticket.Aaahh....How kind of him.Actually all the people in the SWC committee are kind,funny and bubbly.
In the morning,I had to practice my driving so my mom suggested I drive to the LRT station.HAHAHA....I have nothing to say about that,but the car was actually quite nice to drive(better than the driving school car.Duh...).In the LRT,there were only two person;me and an aunty.That's the good thing about taking the train from the 1st station(terminal putra),and you get to sit down.I stopped at KL sentral and met my friend to take the KTM together.At KL Sentral,my friend told me her handphone battery ko-ed.So she charged it at a handphone shop.Swt....it cost her 5 Bucks.Just for 15 minutes.*smacks forehead*.Then we took the KTM to Mid Valley.We met up with the others at 12pm.
While waiting for another friend to come,we dropped by a snack shop and curi makan the testers that were available.HAHA!And we didn't buy any of it.We only tasted it because we were just tooooooo hungry.*pai sieh,pai sieh*.After that friend finally reached(pooof...at last!), we had lunch at Long John Silver's.After eating we almost dozed off because we were all too full.So before we really doze off,we headed to the cinema.It was the 3.30pm movie.The teater was SO SO SO SO DARN COLD!Crap....No one was there was free to keep me warm!*sobs*...And my friends beside me were happily covering themselves with their jacket(But they were still shivering even with the jacket.So you can imagine how I felt.)My friend tried pinching me to keep me warm,but it didnt work.LOL!The movie was a long movie,around 2 hours 30 minutes.So had to suffer in coldness for that long.By the time the movie finished,we were all rushing to the toilet.Heeheee....
After the movie,we hang kai-ed for a while.Then we became"'keh poh chi's".It started out like this.My friend's boyfriend met up with her after the movie to accompany her back home.So we were all walking like one big gang.Then me and my friend,Christina had a lil conversation;

Chris:Eh eh...we become light bulb again.Somemore so many light bulbs here.Very pai sieh la...
Lili:Why u ask me pulak.Not our fault ma..He want to come teman her,his wish la.Light bulb a while only la..they wanna chao already.
Chris:I think they wanna hold hands but dont dare because there's so many light bulbs around weh..Haha..You wait and see,sure later when they chao then hold one.

So after a while it was time for the pasangan to chao.So we said bye bye and.....here goes the busybodies.All five of us,if not mistaken,looked down from the centre court balcony and watched them go down the escalator.And here goes our conversation;

Chris:see...seee...wait wait...eh..faster hold la..!
Brian:Sabarla...You wait a while sure they will hold one.We must be out of sight 1st.
Lili:Waa...we all memang keh poh chi's ah...HAHA!

Then they suddenly turn back because they went to the wrong door.And guess what?All the busybodies were running accross here and there and looking down to see which way they were going.Aduh!We were like some jakuns that never see people holding hands before.LMAO!We saw them walking from that door towards centre court.This time.....they were holding hands,at last.

Brian:LALALA....at last they hold...next time must bring camera..3 times zoom.
Chris:eh nola...8 times zoom better.Then can zoom at their hands.
Brian:8 times zoom lagi keng.Can zoom until the bulu tangan also can see.HAHAHA!

After the drama,we decided to go home.On the way home,I started to feel lethargic.Bad sign.It means I'm gonna fall sick.Well,it was true after all.In the LRT I started to feel chilly and weak.By the time I went home,I was down with fever.Must be the side effects of the 2 days of orientation at TARC.Then later at night,Jireh sms-ed me to call ISCA members about the YA Conference.ISK!I'm sickla....*bangs head on the table*Ask me to call people somemore.Aih!Since it was urgent,I had no choice.So I picked up the phone and called 3 people.I was actually sleeping and talking and the same time.My energy level was...KO KO KO.After I made the phone call,I took my medication and dropped dead on the bed.Aaah!What a relief!My bed!!!

It was a great day(minus the fever).The movie was ok.Not to say superbly nice and not to say super dissapointing.The book was better though.That's it for now.Chaoz!

Signing off,Miss Lili(minus the fever.Heheee!)

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