31 May 2006

2nd sem,same friends,interesting lecturers.

Yay!2nd sem has finally started.After three weeks of holiday,I finally get to meet all my friends again.Now all the lecturer that is teaching us are all different from 1st sem's lecturer.For the 1st sem.it was all female lecturers.Now for this sem,only one of the lecturer is a female.Hmm..But on thing about the male lecturer's>their handwriting is soooo"NICE".Yes,that's right.So"nice"(you know what I mean.*giggles*)One of the lecturer is sooo darn boring.And he talks so darn slow.And we get so darn bored!zzz...He looks a lil nerdy and I think he needs to go to'Yun Nam hair care'..AHAHAH!He looks kinda strict to me.His name is Scott.So my friend calls him"Baldy Scotty".LMAO!Hmmm..Aaaah!Before I forget.My macroeconomics lecturer has too much estrogen in him.LOL!In other words,he is pondanish abit.Actually not abit,ALOT!He reminds me of Chef.Wan.Yes,that chef!This too-much-estrogen-in-him lecturer is so entertaining.He likes to laugh alot.And he memang syok sendiri weh.Sikit sikit laugh..then he makes us laugh..And you know why we laugh?Not because he jokes alot,because he has a weird laugh!AHAHAH!OKOK...cool cool..*pant pant*Then he talks with a kind of slang,the girlish boyish slang that makes people wanna laugh even more.And he has a big stomach!!Woohho...swt swt~..Anyway I have two more lecturers to kaji.So,thats all for now.I shall be back to report my kajian.Muahah!Chaoz!

signing off,
Miss Lili,another tarcian~

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