06 June 2006

laporan kajian-lecturer

Okok as I have promised,I'm back now with my laporan kajian about my other lecturers.Hmmmmm.....My Quantitative Studies is the best so far.He is quite elderly.I can see it from his grey hair.He looks quite strict,but he teaches very well.He can explain very well.He is definitely better than my Business Stat lecturer last sem.That BS lecturer just makes me blur and blur each time she lectures.HAHA!Her pronunciation sucks.Lorry becomes 'lolly'.Oh my!Dice becomes 'die'..Waa!She dont like us iz it?LOL!No mentioning names of course.Next up is my Business Information System and Application.Hmm...She is another lecturer that has another syndrome.She lectures as if we are tadika kids weh!Swt swt!Let me tell you what syndrome she has.She has the tendency to say the sentence "Yes Or No?" and "Right or not?" GOOSSH!ITS SO IRRITATINGLAAAAAA!Urgghh!She says like 4 "Yes or no?'s" in 2 minutes(I timed it by the way)..So its like every sentences of hers has that sentence..We can like meramal when she's gonna say it again.I think she says like...50 "Yes or No?'s" in an hour.That means 100 in 2 hours.Walao!*shakes head*.Everytime we have her lectures,phobia weh!So next time if you hear me saying that yes and no's way too much,you know where it comes from.HAHA!Her English.No komen!Anyway,thats the end of my laporan.I have nothing else to say.I rest my case.

Disediakan oleh,
Miss Lili.

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