07 April 2006


Last month i went for the students welfare committee(SWC) inteview.Its a committee that so called connects students to the school of business studies(SBS) office.When i went into the inteview room,they ask me questions (normal questions like'why do you wanna join the swc?')...and as usual,I started to give lame answers and talked crap all the way.hahahah!Even the interviewer was so damn nervous(more nervous than me actually)....after 1 week,they called me back for a 2nd inteview,this time it was a group inteview..so the head of the swc interviewed us..asking about or background in school..bla bla bla....then intro ourselves..bla bla bla....then when it came to my turn....i intro-ed my self...halfway....she went...

swc head:I can see that you seldom march in school eh?
miss lili:eeeeerrr.........yea yea..I seldom march.
swc head:0oo.....that's whyla you are so fair!!!!
miss lili:heeh...*blur look+stone*...

p/s>what does that have to do with the interview!hahahaha!LOL!somemore so many of my friends with me!

Then a few days ago,I was downstairs doing my homework...and of course drinking milk at the same time(i love milk!)...then came my dad from upstairs after having his 5 minits bath(he always say i bath as if i'm swimming in the bathroom.And my dad takes less than 5 minutes to bath!)....Then he dropped by beside me..and asked..

dad:you drink how many cups a day ah??
miss lili:er..2 la...
dad:okok..good goood...!
*dad goes back upstairs
miss lili:Haaar?what was that all about?

p/s>I think it means drink more milk,for you people who seldom drink it...haha....

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