25 April 2006


Ooh crap...I'm gonna be fat..Hahah..yes!I have been indulging with chocolates this few days.AAHHHH!!!Yes,I know you saw the word 'chocolate'.*winkwink*.My parents came back from Langkawai a few days ago.Langkawi,the island which is tax free(well,minus wine,if you buy back more than the specified litres) .This is the best place to buy chocolate and wine..muahaah!Well,if you are a fan of chocolates let me recommend some mouth watering chocolate brand(you better eat before reading this.I don't wanna make you drool all over..heeeheee.).

1.After Eight(chocolate thins,dark chocolate+mint)
2.Hershey's Nuggets(extra creamy toffee+almond)....*drools*
3.Cadbury Jamaican(rum+raisin)...ohlala!This is the best!The rum makes it even better!Unfortunately,you can't find this here.Unless you wanna go all the way to Langkawi.*slaps forehead*
4.Andes(all of the flavours are nice.Mostly Mint.)

Today I had chocolate afternoon,evening and night.Haha!Plus almond choc cake coated with caramel from Ikea.Plus wine.Plus some kind of durian thingy from bentong(something like ice-cream I guess).Plus chocolate milk(low fat,okay!)...Last but not least....rice biscuit(at least this one is not made from chocolate).
AHAHA!Chocolate just makes me happy.Thats why I wanted to blog about it!Yippee!!!Sorry if i made anyone hungry or drool around the computer screen..heeheeee..*evil look*

Signing off***Miss Lili,on the way to chocolatelateland.

1 comment:

Jyan said...

Nevermind la. I think u too skinny now anyway. Eat more!
Oh and remember to exercise if not later add in wrong place.