Anyways, I have officially stopped work and ended my industrial training on 31 march 2009. Now I'm back to studying.... *yawns* Due to a very 'malang' case I have to resit for one paper. 2nd time resitting in my 3 years of studying ( Why am I even telling this? People usually wanna keep it a secret) Oh wells, I guess I'm not one of the smarty ones around. I have approximately 2 weeks more to study, thats if my seating start on the 1st week of the exam period. I hope not.. I want more time to studyyyyyy................. Thats another reason why I've been missing for quite a while Hehe. Do pray for me when for the coming resit exam because it will be very imporatant to me,. If (thats if..worst case scenario...) I do not pass the resit paper, I will loose my ACCA exemption for that particular subject, which I don't want to. Because once I loose th exemption, I have to sit for the external exam for that subject. That will give an extra burden to me. But if I pass (MUST PASS!) then I don't have to sit for that external one. So faham kan u all u all apa I saying ni? Hehe.
After exam will be holiday again! Yahooo! I can't wait for the redang trip with my college gang. But thwe two person that will surely rugi and miss the fun alot will be Jordan and ahpek jeremy who are in Aussie studying. I shall send some of the redang air to you guys (together with my fart) when we are in Redang. You want to kirim salam to the sharks? No problem! Lol. Anyways I was reading through Jordan's blog and saw the pictures he posted from our Perhentian trip last year. Looking back at all the pictures made me laugh back at the two years studying together and playing together. College life is fun-ner (if there is such a word...) with good friends like them around. They make everyone feel more gay; as seen in these pictures:
Not forgetting our 'membeli 10 packet kerepek' from Terengganu.
So when you do drop by Terengganu, look for these signboard
BETUL! Mesti Tera dulu!Kesan sampingan:Anda boleh jadi sihat dan gembira macam budak sampat dalam gambar tu!
So when you do drop by Terengganu, look for these signboard
P/s: weih I'm not a godmother weih. Make me sound like some grandma only!=P
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