07 April 2009

Going to be 21 soon

but certain favourities don't change, don't they?

Ever since young, I've always loved eating these items. And still do now...

1. Teddy biscuit! Yes, those black little chocolate teddie shaped biscuit in the blue packaging.. Mmmm....

2. Doughnuts! Who doesn't love them? Everyone does, but I memang tergilakan doughnuts.
Bring me anywhere near J.Co/Big Apples/ even the carrefour bakery section...Dougnut!Grab them!*drools*

3.Loller (or is it Roller? Lol forgot). Don't know what is that ar? Come I bring you to carrefour sure got! =) But its quite pricey for a small box of junk lor.

4.Waffle! Especially with tons of butter and honey honey~ I'm always eyeing tiny shops selling waffles, but don't buy them cause nowadays hard to find nice waffles. So far BRJ's one boleh pass. Haha.

Now I feel like eating wafflesssss.................

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