Its something that I will remember.
No wonder 21st birthday's are meant to be a lil special.
I spent my 21st birthday at home.
With drugs such as fever tablets, antibiotics, cough syrup on my bed.
For 10 days (and still coughing like a mad dog & high on antibiotics).
And took 3 blood tests.
I got bacterial infection as part of my birthday gift.
For a few nights, I coughed as if I were going to puke & felt as if my lungs were gonna pop out. I couldn't take many deep breaths cause everytime I took one I would cough like mad.
I've been eating nothing but porridge, mee soup, bread & drank like 6 big bottles of 100+.
And I've been craving for a long list of food, which I couldn't eat.... Like roast chicken, bbq, ice cream, deep fried chicken, pizza, dim sum,steamboat,satay,ikan bakar.... Ohlala~
omg *drools*
The worst part is, i started being sick during the test season , when I'm busy studying,
and still sick for the next week after that, which was suppose to be a holiday.
Oh wells,
Life is so unpredictable.
But thanks to those who wished me on my birthday(and sorry for not replying)
and also thanks to those that prayed for me when I was sick
and paling banyak thanks to my other half for 'baby-sitting' the sick girl.
Toodles~ I shall be back when I'm healthy and fat.
23 July 2009
06 July 2009
dot dot dot
I need the "uumpph" to study properly right now.
Progress test is next week.. 3 subjects and I'm barely halfway through...
Progress test is next week.. 3 subjects and I'm barely halfway through...
29 June 2009
time to grow up
I need to be strong, learn to not depend so much on others.
I need to cry less, being a cry baby will only get me bullied.
I need to be courageous , chicken no more!
I need to learn to voice out my opinions, speak more,stand up for what I want, be talkative.
I need to stop being lazy (hahahahaa no ones misses the word 'lazy')
I need to learn to express, and explain myself better.
There's so much to learn in life =)
I need to cry less, being a cry baby will only get me bullied.
I need to be courageous , chicken no more!
I need to learn to voice out my opinions, speak more,stand up for what I want, be talkative.
I need to stop being lazy (hahahahaa no ones misses the word 'lazy')
I need to learn to express, and explain myself better.
There's so much to learn in life =)
16 June 2009
What so nice about peeping at girls in swimsuit swimming?
We were swimming at the college pool today and there were a bunch of guys kononnya swimming. But actually their main motive was to peep at girls. We started swimming (4 girls in a row). There was a divider in the middle separating into 4 lanes each section. So the peepers were nicely hanging on to the divider, staring at us girls when we started swimming. Some even went underwater just to get 'a better view'.
Gosh I so feel like poking their eyeball with a wooden stick. Hahaha.
If I were the authorities taking care of the pool, i would set a singboard that says
"any people caught peeping, or show any signs of attempt peeping shall be kicked (or even barred) from entering the pool"
Then I shall require every swimmer to wear a special goggle that has an internal camera installed in it to be the '2nd eye' of the swimmer. Watch where ya looking! Wuakaka~
Peepers bore me. Sleep better.
We were swimming at the college pool today and there were a bunch of guys kononnya swimming. But actually their main motive was to peep at girls. We started swimming (4 girls in a row). There was a divider in the middle separating into 4 lanes each section. So the peepers were nicely hanging on to the divider, staring at us girls when we started swimming. Some even went underwater just to get 'a better view'.
Gosh I so feel like poking their eyeball with a wooden stick. Hahaha.
If I were the authorities taking care of the pool, i would set a singboard that says
"any people caught peeping, or show any signs of attempt peeping shall be kicked (or even barred) from entering the pool"
Then I shall require every swimmer to wear a special goggle that has an internal camera installed in it to be the '2nd eye' of the swimmer. Watch where ya looking! Wuakaka~
Peepers bore me. Sleep better.
14 June 2009
curry mee, oh chien, satay, durian....
Never eat too much the night before...
That gave me 4 toilet sessions today. Lol.
Never eat too much the night before...
That gave me 4 toilet sessions today. Lol.
26 April 2009
Yesh, alas I have finished groaning and moaning over having to resit one paper. Its finally over. Currently back in my parents place in Seremban for about one week..
Last Sturday I went hiking for the very 1st time at Bukit Dato, somewhere in Rembau. The hike up and down took about 4 hours. We started at 9am, and reached at the bottom once again at near 2pm. It was a great experience, except for the part at the peak where there were tons of bees buzzing and sticking around you. The bees are hungry for sweat. And since I can't stand anything that tickles me very much, I wanted to giggle and slap the bees whenever it came sticking on my legs. Kinda scary lor.. Imagine 5/6 bees buzzing around sticking on your legs. All you wanna do is slap it. Haha. But I couldn't do that because it will sting me if I did.
Anyways, here are some pictures for you to cuci mata...
The whole gang of people from the church we attend in seremban
Taking a break at the 1st and only pit stop on the way up. The aunty in orange is 60 plus years old okay. Kuat!
Me & a tree with strange fruits. Looks like giant grapes. But its actually where you get 'atap chi',the white colour thingy they put in ice kacang.
Me & my mama again.
Tengah garu bontot!=P
My pants got stuck to the tree trunk while going over it =.= *lol caught on camera*
Guess what these two buggies are doing...ahemm...And I almost stepped over it
I came back with aching legs that lasted for two days. Lol. But hiking is enjoyable =)
Last Sturday I went hiking for the very 1st time at Bukit Dato, somewhere in Rembau. The hike up and down took about 4 hours. We started at 9am, and reached at the bottom once again at near 2pm. It was a great experience, except for the part at the peak where there were tons of bees buzzing and sticking around you. The bees are hungry for sweat. And since I can't stand anything that tickles me very much, I wanted to giggle and slap the bees whenever it came sticking on my legs. Kinda scary lor.. Imagine 5/6 bees buzzing around sticking on your legs. All you wanna do is slap it. Haha. But I couldn't do that because it will sting me if I did.
Anyways, here are some pictures for you to cuci mata...
I came back with aching legs that lasted for two days. Lol. But hiking is enjoyable =)
07 April 2009
Going to be 21 soon
but certain favourities don't change, don't they?
Ever since young, I've always loved eating these items. And still do now...
1. Teddy biscuit! Yes, those black little chocolate teddie shaped biscuit in the blue packaging.. Mmmm....
2. Doughnuts! Who doesn't love them? Everyone does, but I memang tergilakan doughnuts.
Bring me anywhere near J.Co/Big Apples/ even the carrefour bakery section...Dougnut!Grab them!*drools*
3.Loller (or is it Roller? Lol forgot). Don't know what is that ar? Come I bring you to carrefour sure got! =) But its quite pricey for a small box of junk lor.
4.Waffle! Especially with tons of butter and honey honey~ I'm always eyeing tiny shops selling waffles, but don't buy them cause nowadays hard to find nice waffles. So far BRJ's one boleh pass. Haha.
Now I feel like eating wafflesssss.................
but certain favourities don't change, don't they?
Ever since young, I've always loved eating these items. And still do now...
1. Teddy biscuit! Yes, those black little chocolate teddie shaped biscuit in the blue packaging.. Mmmm....
2. Doughnuts! Who doesn't love them? Everyone does, but I memang tergilakan doughnuts.
Bring me anywhere near J.Co/Big Apples/ even the carrefour bakery section...Dougnut!Grab them!*drools*
3.Loller (or is it Roller? Lol forgot). Don't know what is that ar? Come I bring you to carrefour sure got! =) But its quite pricey for a small box of junk lor.
4.Waffle! Especially with tons of butter and honey honey~ I'm always eyeing tiny shops selling waffles, but don't buy them cause nowadays hard to find nice waffles. So far BRJ's one boleh pass. Haha.
Now I feel like eating wafflesssss.................
05 April 2009
Yo peoples, I'm back, once again after such a long M.I.A. session =P.
Anyways, I have officially stopped work and ended my industrial training on 31 march 2009. Now I'm back to studying.... *yawns* Due to a very 'malang' case I have to resit for one paper. 2nd time resitting in my 3 years of studying ( Why am I even telling this? People usually wanna keep it a secret) Oh wells, I guess I'm not one of the smarty ones around. I have approximately 2 weeks more to study, thats if my seating start on the 1st week of the exam period. I hope not.. I want more time to studyyyyyy................. Thats another reason why I've been missing for quite a while Hehe. Do pray for me when for the coming resit exam because it will be very imporatant to me,. If (thats if..worst case scenario...) I do not pass the resit paper, I will loose my ACCA exemption for that particular subject, which I don't want to. Because once I loose th exemption, I have to sit for the external exam for that subject. That will give an extra burden to me. But if I pass (MUST PASS!) then I don't have to sit for that external one. So faham kan u all u all apa I saying ni? Hehe.
After exam will be holiday again! Yahooo! I can't wait for the redang trip with my college gang. But thwe two person that will surely rugi and miss the fun alot will be Jordan and ahpek jeremy who are in Aussie studying. I shall send some of the redang air to you guys (together with my fart) when we are in Redang. You want to kirim salam to the sharks? No problem! Lol. Anyways I was reading through Jordan's blog and saw the pictures he posted from our Perhentian trip last year. Looking back at all the pictures made me laugh back at the two years studying together and playing together. College life is fun-ner (if there is such a word...) with good friends like them around. They make everyone feel more gay; as seen in these pictures:

Anyways, I have officially stopped work and ended my industrial training on 31 march 2009. Now I'm back to studying.... *yawns* Due to a very 'malang' case I have to resit for one paper. 2nd time resitting in my 3 years of studying ( Why am I even telling this? People usually wanna keep it a secret) Oh wells, I guess I'm not one of the smarty ones around. I have approximately 2 weeks more to study, thats if my seating start on the 1st week of the exam period. I hope not.. I want more time to studyyyyyy................. Thats another reason why I've been missing for quite a while Hehe. Do pray for me when for the coming resit exam because it will be very imporatant to me,. If (thats if..worst case scenario...) I do not pass the resit paper, I will loose my ACCA exemption for that particular subject, which I don't want to. Because once I loose th exemption, I have to sit for the external exam for that subject. That will give an extra burden to me. But if I pass (MUST PASS!) then I don't have to sit for that external one. So faham kan u all u all apa I saying ni? Hehe.
After exam will be holiday again! Yahooo! I can't wait for the redang trip with my college gang. But thwe two person that will surely rugi and miss the fun alot will be Jordan and ahpek jeremy who are in Aussie studying. I shall send some of the redang air to you guys (together with my fart) when we are in Redang. You want to kirim salam to the sharks? No problem! Lol. Anyways I was reading through Jordan's blog and saw the pictures he posted from our Perhentian trip last year. Looking back at all the pictures made me laugh back at the two years studying together and playing together. College life is fun-ner (if there is such a word...) with good friends like them around. They make everyone feel more gay; as seen in these pictures:
Not forgetting our 'membeli 10 packet kerepek' from Terengganu.
So when you do drop by Terengganu, look for these signboard
BETUL! Mesti Tera dulu!Kesan sampingan:Anda boleh jadi sihat dan gembira macam budak sampat dalam gambar tu!
So when you do drop by Terengganu, look for these signboard
P/s: weih I'm not a godmother weih. Make me sound like some grandma only!=P
15 February 2009
V-Day : the actual post
*clears throat*
forgive me for the previous hi bye valentine post. Haha. By the time explorer crashed it was late and i didn't have the uumph to retype everything again.
Anyways, belated Happey Valentines to all you people out there. Whether love birds all not, still can celebrate cause its meant for all kinds of love (which includes the love for your pets) hehe. I spent my valentines sleeping and relaxing. And I spent the early hours of valentines day bersembang-sembang in the car until kena halau by some pak hajis making their night rounds around the taman. Cis potong stim weih. Since when chatting in the car at 1am is not allowed...=.= Not like were shouting around the neighbourhood like sakais. Haha.
Hmm its been some time since i updated so there's quite alot of things i wanna type here. Lets start with the most suey punya. Hehe. About 1 week ago my com crashed, due to my very own carelessess. It got fried by the thunder. Lol. I was busy attaching something to an email, then ingat wanna wait for the mail to send then only off.. Mana tauu. *kebabooommmmm* the whole circuit in my house went off, then after that I couldn't on the com any more. Thank God it didn't fry the modem too. So here I am updating with my sis's laptop, till the com is repaired.. which I dunno will be when. Hehe.
Oh and I started my practical training on tuesday. So I just finished my 1st week of work. I sit in front the com for 8 hours everyday, key in debit and credit. Yes, it is very repititive.. But I'm still surviving. Haha. I actually applied for auditing but then they dumped me to accounting. For now, I shall stick to it, cause a bit pai sieh la if I suddenly ask 'eh apasal I didn't get what I applied har?' Haha. The 1st 2 days was frustrating because I wasn't used to the accounting software, UBS. The 1st day I had to enter in all the company's sales transaction, but I keyed into the wrong account so in the end I had to edit here and there. So it took me two days just to finish it. Then the next few days I did the purchases and expenses. My collegues all speak chinese. So for me, I'm the sesated one cause my chinese is like...barely even there... Lol. Two weeks have passed. Time goes by pretty fast actually. Hehe. But I've got like 50 over days of work to go. Then it will be holidayday trip to the beach again! Woohoo! =)
Its friday night now. Now I loveeee the weekends and enjoy every minute of watching teevee and relaxing... Work ain't easy. Although its like you're sitting in front the com the whole day, when I'm get back all I wanna do is lie on the sofa not doing anything. Malas nak mandi, malas nak makan... Haha.And yesterday after a very long time, I started to feel super sleepy at 10.30pm. Waa I think the last time I felt sleepy so early was...Form 3? Lol. After that it was always after 11pm, unless I'm sick or whatever.
anyways, thats about it for this post. I can't wait for the Redang trip! Wheeee!=)
14 February 2009
I just typed a whole load of words here and internet explorer decided to kaboom, and didnt safe it as a draft............
Lazeeeeeeeeeeeeee wanna type agaiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn...........
Lazeeeeeeeeeeeeee wanna type agaiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn...........
17 January 2009
exam+the evil tigerress
2nd sem's examination just started today. Today's paper was Financial Management. It was tough... For every question, I could only do like maybe only 50% of it. Hopefully I can get 50 marks for this paper to pass. If not, mati lor have to resit in april when I'll be working. Furthermore can only fail one paper, if not then really kantoi... Aaaahhh.... And next paper will be Audit, my greatest nightmare. And after that will be Financial Reporting, another nightmare not very far from Audit =.=. Oh and I just realise I'll be seating for my external ACCA paperDecember this year! Time flies... It feels like I just started advance not long ago., but in reality half a year is gone just like that. Hmmmm........ How to sit for the external papers when now external also already half past six... Dunno how to do this, dunno how to do that :-(
Oh wells, I'm trying to study and do the best I can. Okay change subject. Lets talk about one librarian in TARC whom my friends and I call the 'tigeress' . For these past two weeks, my friends and I have been studying in the library from 10am to 9pm. We stop 1 and half hours for lunch, then dinner at 9pm. Yes, intensive studying hor.. Haha. Anyways, there's one lady librarian who is super strict, but in one particular day, in my opinion she was too extreme lor. Let me tell you what happened in a dialogue version between us and the 'tigeress'.
*everyone busy studying* yada yada. Then comes the tigeress..... Who saw the plastic bag of sweets on our table.
Tigeress: Can you please keep quiet, if you wanna discuss anything please do use the discussion room over there okay. (And we weren't even talking...)
*all of us just looks at her buat taktau, cause we didn't even do anything*
Tigeress looks at me ,L and the encik abang beside me, W.
Tigress: And I assume that you two are discussing since you are doing a calculation subject. So please go to the discussion room over there and discuss.
L looks at W. Blur blur cause we don't even know what she' talking about.
W: But we are not discussing. We are studying on our own.
L: yea I'm doing my own studying.
Tigeress: Excuse me. I was a student before okay. So I know when it comes to calculation subject somehow or another you will ask your friends. So please go to the discussion room.
L, W: *speeechlessssss**continue look at out notes buat taktau*
Tigeress: *sees the bottle of Pikin sweet beside W's book (eh who dunno what sweet is this memang rugi lor). Can make you addicted to it)* And sweets are not allowed in the library. Can you please take it out of the library and keep it in your bag.
W: But I didn't bring any bag.
L:*no choice, just to satisfy that tigeress from bursting* S, can I keep it in your bag?
S: oh okay.. *she also rolls her eyeball in anger*
Addition info: there was also a small plastic bag on our table, which we use to dispose our rubbish nicely. Itu pun she ask to take and throw. OMG i wanna slap her. (Haha think I'm as brave meh..)
So in the end I got up from my seat *with the people around the other tables looking at us, the centre of attention* and went to throw our tiny plastic of rubbish into the rubbish bin. I went to the lower entrance floor and stop there. In the end I sneaked the bottle of Pikin sweets in again by putting it in my pocket and going back to the table when she was gone. Wahaha..
The part where we aren't allowed to bring sweets in, fine la. That one I understand.. But the worst part is when she says she was a student before and wants to shoo us to the discussion room. I'm like Heloooooooooooooooooooo you think everyone like you will ask your friends all the time one ar? Doesn't mean if its a calculation subject I will end up not knowing how to do the whole thing. Somemore I have my answers to the questions I'm studying weih. So action betui.. Tsk tsk...
Anyway, my friend S was so angry that after that she told me she almost wanted to say to her "Wah if calculation subject last time you must ask your friends all the time, mah you very stupid lor that time"She stays a few floors below very easy for me to scratch her car okay..' Lol.... The power of an angry person..
This world is filled with many types of people. But anyways, as civilised people, better not do things rashly and facing consequences, such as bashing up the tigeress. Lol.
Oh wells, I'm trying to study and do the best I can. Okay change subject. Lets talk about one librarian in TARC whom my friends and I call the 'tigeress' . For these past two weeks, my friends and I have been studying in the library from 10am to 9pm. We stop 1 and half hours for lunch, then dinner at 9pm. Yes, intensive studying hor.. Haha. Anyways, there's one lady librarian who is super strict, but in one particular day, in my opinion she was too extreme lor. Let me tell you what happened in a dialogue version between us and the 'tigeress'.
*everyone busy studying* yada yada. Then comes the tigeress..... Who saw the plastic bag of sweets on our table.
Tigeress: Can you please keep quiet, if you wanna discuss anything please do use the discussion room over there okay. (And we weren't even talking...)
*all of us just looks at her buat taktau, cause we didn't even do anything*
Tigeress looks at me ,L and the encik abang beside me, W.
Tigress: And I assume that you two are discussing since you are doing a calculation subject. So please go to the discussion room over there and discuss.
L looks at W. Blur blur cause we don't even know what she' talking about.
W: But we are not discussing. We are studying on our own.
L: yea I'm doing my own studying.
Tigeress: Excuse me. I was a student before okay. So I know when it comes to calculation subject somehow or another you will ask your friends. So please go to the discussion room.
L, W: *speeechlessssss**continue look at out notes buat taktau*
Tigeress: *sees the bottle of Pikin sweet beside W's book (eh who dunno what sweet is this memang rugi lor). Can make you addicted to it)* And sweets are not allowed in the library. Can you please take it out of the library and keep it in your bag.
W: But I didn't bring any bag.
L:*no choice, just to satisfy that tigeress from bursting* S, can I keep it in your bag?
S: oh okay.. *she also rolls her eyeball in anger*
Addition info: there was also a small plastic bag on our table, which we use to dispose our rubbish nicely. Itu pun she ask to take and throw. OMG i wanna slap her. (Haha think I'm as brave meh..)
So in the end I got up from my seat *with the people around the other tables looking at us, the centre of attention* and went to throw our tiny plastic of rubbish into the rubbish bin. I went to the lower entrance floor and stop there. In the end I sneaked the bottle of Pikin sweets in again by putting it in my pocket and going back to the table when she was gone. Wahaha..
The part where we aren't allowed to bring sweets in, fine la. That one I understand.. But the worst part is when she says she was a student before and wants to shoo us to the discussion room. I'm like Heloooooooooooooooooooo you think everyone like you will ask your friends all the time one ar? Doesn't mean if its a calculation subject I will end up not knowing how to do the whole thing. Somemore I have my answers to the questions I'm studying weih. So action betui.. Tsk tsk...
Anyway, my friend S was so angry that after that she told me she almost wanted to say to her "Wah if calculation subject last time you must ask your friends all the time, mah you very stupid lor that time"She stays a few floors below very easy for me to scratch her car okay..' Lol.... The power of an angry person..
This world is filled with many types of people. But anyways, as civilised people, better not do things rashly and facing consequences, such as bashing up the tigeress. Lol.
03 January 2009
Oh Sigh
Exam is coming in 2 weeks time.
And I am so worried.. scared...
Past few days hati i tak tenteram.
Partly because it was due to my coursework marks. On Friday we got back our marks for our individual audit test. When I saw the marks on my answer paper, I was speechless, and almost wanted to cry. Actually, my eyes did get teary a BIT. I manage to hold it back because who in the world wants to end up crying in front of her friends over her coursework marks. What to do.. I'm a person who is emotionally drawn to situations/circumstances. So when it comes to shocking results that give such a disappointment, it feels so heavy inside.
I know you must be wondering how bad it was... Sorry not gonna tell. And If i were to tell it to your face, I'll end up getting teary again. Yes, its only coursework. But it still matters to me.
And I am so worried.. scared...
Past few days hati i tak tenteram.
Partly because it was due to my coursework marks. On Friday we got back our marks for our individual audit test. When I saw the marks on my answer paper, I was speechless, and almost wanted to cry. Actually, my eyes did get teary a BIT. I manage to hold it back because who in the world wants to end up crying in front of her friends over her coursework marks. What to do.. I'm a person who is emotionally drawn to situations/circumstances. So when it comes to shocking results that give such a disappointment, it feels so heavy inside.
I know you must be wondering how bad it was... Sorry not gonna tell. And If i were to tell it to your face, I'll end up getting teary again. Yes, its only coursework. But it still matters to me.
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