I was down at my parents's place in Seremban during the merdeka weekend. I wish that house was my house here in KL. Heehee. Big and cosy. Jusco, Tesco, park, swimming pool.. All just 10 minits away.
Anyway so Sunday, went to the church my parent attends when they are down at Seremban, Agape Gospel Assembly. This week the sermon was from a video. The speaker in the video showed us the pictures of the galaxies. Something that our human eyes can't even catch a single glimpse from earth. It was beautiful. The speaker was very interested is astronomy, so he had some connection with some of the astronomers around in the U.S.A. His friend astronomer, who actually is one of the astronauts who was out there with the Apollo 13 Hubble gave him a few snapshots of the many galaxies.
Anyway so Sunday, went to the church my parent attends when they are down at Seremban, Agape Gospel Assembly. This week the sermon was from a video. The speaker in the video showed us the pictures of the galaxies. Something that our human eyes can't even catch a single glimpse from earth. It was beautiful. The speaker was very interested is astronomy, so he had some connection with some of the astronomers around in the U.S.A. His friend astronomer, who actually is one of the astronauts who was out there with the Apollo 13 Hubble gave him a few snapshots of the many galaxies.
In the video he was speaking in Hillsong Australia, one of the concerts I think. So he showed the congregation like so many shots of what was taken by the Hubble. It was so beautiful. You wouldn't wanna know how far those galaxies are, because it's all in light years. And you did learn in science how fast light moves in a second, didn't you? (Okay so were you paying attention in class?Hehe)
And you know what else was so cool? The astronauts sended back a sound wave from one of the galaxy. Oh my gosh! The sound was like.. erm.. I can't even descibe it. But it sounds like the car engine (Oii not sound like your burp or fart okay!) Lol.
And you know whats even more awesome? The hubble zoomed in its video and had a close snap shot of one of the starts. And you know what? In the middle if the start, the was a blue sign that looks like the alphabet X. That's not the end. Look closely and it looks like "t"...Or simply, it looks like the cross. Woah. Too bad I can't remember what's the name of that star. If not I can show it to you. Oh and the picture up there is The Milky Way, where out beloved Earth is.
But isn't it lovely, how God can create such a wonderful universe. And He gave us human such great brains that we have astronomers revealing the wonders out there. There's so many stars and galaxies that we can't even name all of them, but God knows every single stars by heart. And we live in the Milky Way. We're like a single dust compared to what is out there. Yes, we are just tiny like tiny little pea, compared to what God has created in the heavens.
And you know what else was so cool? The astronauts sended back a sound wave from one of the galaxy. Oh my gosh! The sound was like.. erm.. I can't even descibe it. But it sounds like the car engine (Oii not sound like your burp or fart okay!) Lol.
And you know whats even more awesome? The hubble zoomed in its video and had a close snap shot of one of the starts. And you know what? In the middle if the start, the was a blue sign that looks like the alphabet X. That's not the end. Look closely and it looks like "t"...Or simply, it looks like the cross. Woah. Too bad I can't remember what's the name of that star. If not I can show it to you. Oh and the picture up there is The Milky Way, where out beloved Earth is.
But isn't it lovely, how God can create such a wonderful universe. And He gave us human such great brains that we have astronomers revealing the wonders out there. There's so many stars and galaxies that we can't even name all of them, but God knows every single stars by heart. And we live in the Milky Way. We're like a single dust compared to what is out there. Yes, we are just tiny like tiny little pea, compared to what God has created in the heavens.
So, now do you think we're big and almighty? Haha.
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