14 September 2007

Zits are back, zits are back. Acne eruption since Merdeka week. Started off with the left cheek, then it went to the right, the at the side of my forehead, then my chin. One bump two bump, three bumps...N0w..Uncountable~ Crapness. My last acne eruption was like maybe one year ago. Occasionally a few pops out once in a while, but not like now. Never had acne problem even in high school. Cis.

My gums near my molar tooth hurts. Its been two weeks and it still hurts. I take like half an hour to finish my meal because it hurts when I munch my food. Hmm. Maybe I need vitamin C.

In the midst of exams now. 2 down, 2 more to go. I think I can do better this sem, cause I I didn't do any last minute revision. I manage to read all, finished all the past year questions. Haha what an accomplishment. Hopefully my CGPA results shows it all =)

Last Saturday I was back in Seremban. On Saturday, for brunch I had a large plate of wantan mee. Larger than any of the ones I've eaten in KL okay. It was so large even the lady sitting at the side of my table looked at me eating it. She must be thinking "Oooh what a pig. Small size yet eat so much". Lol.

I found out that Honey Stars is made in China. Eeww. But its under Nestle! I thought it was made local??!! Geez. Even cereal's made in Chine. Hope they don't mix any super kau chemicals inside that stops children growth.. or make you go to the toilet 5 times a day.. or end up eating Honey Stars made from plastic. Oh and KokoCrunch is made in the Philipines. Haha. Yes I do read all the facts written on the package, in case unwanted stuff happens. But its so yummy until I can spend the whole day munching it until more that half a packet is gone.

I need some ear plugs. Neighbour is doing some renovation and the workers have been drilling since morning. Kacau la. Aku nak study pun takleh. Oooh a malay guy called my house asking for my dad one day. He tought I was a Malay because he said I spoke like one. Swt. Yalah bang, maybe cause I suka mix malay here and there bila ada conversation. Hehehe. Manglish.

Okay there's the end of my randomness events. Before I sign off

Perompak Hatum Sundal Malam
We were having rehersals for Talent Time Nite07 like maybe more that 10 times until we were sick bored and tired. Plus the hall was extremely cold.
This picture is like so cacat

Lili Girl

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