Last Saturday was another awesome day!First of all my day started with ISCA meeting.Went half an hour earlier because Rachel was ushering.*slaps face..The moment I reach the extrance of the main sanctuary,Wen Dee went like,''Wooosh...!"...Until now I wonder why..I didnt go in with a bikini,did I??*wonders..Then before I could even put my bag,Pastor tarik me to join some of the ISCArians with prayer.Huhu!Masuk only terus pray...*sweat...Pray pray pray....Then one of the iscarians ask me to pray for studies*Ooh-ohh....Crap!..Okok..So I was about to start.....
miss lili:Dear,Lord,i would like to commit....
*pastor comes in
pastor caleb:OK guys!Thank you very much for spending time praying.Let's start isca meeting now!!!!
*everybody smiles and grins at me...what a short and sweet prayer.
miss lili:(whispers)Looks like he came in at the right timing..*grins
After that, isca meeting started like normal.Then after the meeting we went down to the cafeteria for fellowship.We wanted to cabut early,but Wendee was the head usher.So she had to clean up*evill look*...muahaha....aih!Ushering job memang tough..Then we were about to leave was getting dark...and...jeng jeng jeng....It started to raaaain!!!!!!!!Nnnnnooooooo!!!!!!
So there were two fellas happily berboraking there,so the four sakai's:MISS LILI CHENG BOH CHENGZ AHMA MRS WY RACHRACHEW decided to destroy their boraking session.

AHMA MRS WY was so excited,
she talked and talked.Like talking machine.
woosh!pok pek pok pek..

After a while,she cannot control already.She became over hiper..walao!*shakes head*Rachrachew also almost wanted to join her....but she try to control by closing her mouth..but eventually something else also distrupted her... What was it?I think it must be the fire extinguisher in front of her.*wonders

Ahhh.No!She ended up scrathing her eyes...some one bought a new mascara,but cannot control when it comes to scratching+rubbing her eyes.Looks as if she's is scratching out some gold right?LOL!

While all the drama was going on,miss lili begin to worry and wanted to say something.Unfortunately,ahma mrs wy couldn't turn off the talking machine and miss lili wanted to burst into laughter when she saw rachrachew scratching something out..So miss lili just sat there and stared..Helplessly*sigh*
Meanwhile,cheng boh chengz was being the penonton.
Then it was still raining heavily,so ahma mrs wy decided to call her mother.*yay!*....Her mom came and fetched us to the lrt station.In the car,

rachrachew:Oh sharks!boh lui liao!!sii liao!
miss lili:Control pay ahma mrs
wy money wor..After she kidnap us and bring us to mr wy.
rachrachew:Ya hor!*shivers*
p/s>We were actually taking out money for the movie ticket.LOL!
In the train

miss lili and ahma mrs wy were busy chatting like nobody's business.We were talking about 'what if the train was broken into half'...
ahma:If these portion break,then I die firstloh.
miss lili:Huhu!Yealoh!Then you kena pancake like....Pancakeloh!Then you reach klcc 1st.Then after that my turn to die.
cheng boh chengz and rachrach ceroboh;
chengz:Oh yea hor!If break then we byebye.Ahma ,you better say byebye to low kong before you go to heaven.
rachrach:HAHAHAH!Kesian your lowkong..
When we reach KLCC,the 1st thing we did was collecting our movie tivkets.Then the hungry sakais decided to eat or they will die in the cinema.So off we went to>>Nando's!!!!!!!!
At Nando's........

miss lili was ordering.She was blur at 1st.She didnt understand the menu.It was her 1st time eating at Nando's.Looks like the waitress was also getting blur like lolipop.She didn't know what to write.

Rachrachew was on the other hand.Posing with the menu on the table..phewwweeet!Looks like Nando's should hire her as the spokeswomen for Nando's.Huhu!If You're working for Nando's and finding a suitable one,please call 03-900900900 for enquiries about rachrachew.Heeeheeeee...

Ahma mrs wy was over hungry.Her stomach acid was filling her stomach in a massive ammount.So she started to laugh and laugh.And got so excited.Things happen when people get super hungry...
p/s>She was just laughing about a joke with us.

Then the food came,and the 1st thing miss lili did was >Grab the fries grab the fries!Yummy...As you can see,I was enjoying the peri-peri chips very much.What do you expect!It's the 1st time I'm eating Nando's!!And rachrachew was admiring a ahma in front of her!Looks like the food wasn't good enough...*Aduh!

After the food was done,cheng boh chengz told us she spotted some ganas lady eater.
cheng chengz:Eh eh!Look behind you.Ganas man that lady!!Like never eat for 100 years already!
miss lili:Ah ah?Where where?
cheng chengz:There!
miss lili:Oooooohh.......theree!!!!!!!!!
Then ahma cracked some jokes.
We ended up laughing like mad people>>>

OF course after the laughter,its the best time to snap some picture perfect pictures.

It would be not fun if we didn't take some pictures of ahma mrs wy and cheng boh chengz.So,as usual posing for the camera is another routine>>

To make things better,cheng boh chengz would tease ahma mrs wy with her evil words and laughter..*tsk tsk*..jeng jeng jeng.....Cheng boh chengz's evil twin munculs at the right timing
< I can roughly guess whats on her mind*evil laugh*
After the happy hippie makaning session,off to the movies we went.In the cinema,lots of stuff happened....And the movie we watched was unfortunaly...a sad people like rachrachew ended up sobbing abit,miss lili tried to tahan and she managed to hold back her tears.Cheng boh chengz was just enjoying the food on her hands,and ahma mrs wy was just watching the show,with no feelings.And the most unwanted thing to happen,just happend in the cinema...miss lili ended up burping in the cinema!!!!Burrrp!!Well,at least it wasnt a loud one!LOL!It wasnt my fault!Blame it on the coke and popcorn!Hehe!No one noticed except for the people sitting beside me!*yesssss,pheww!*
WE ended the day with ice-cream and Topshop!
Ahma mrs wy enjoying her ice-cream while thinking of that'special' someone..And Rachrachew was on her mind ''olala..I wish my future husband was as smooth,sweet as this!''...lala!Secrets revealed!
Ahma mrs wy still enjoying after a long time.Rachcrachew experiencing side effects of that cloud9 ice-cream..uurgghh!And miss lili is like hantu that has never seen Topshop before!~
Now,you must be wondering why cheng boh chengz wasn't in the drama most of the time.Well,that's because she was the camera women!Our papparazzi of the day!With great thanks to her,we have successfully promoted superstars for the day!LMAO!So it is my great pleasure to present my lovely,bubbly,wacky papparazzi,cheng boh chengz a.k.a yap ai cheng.Bravo bravo!*claps hands*

They are the people,my friends who i will cherish!*blush blush*Thanks peeps!Its was a great day!
I spended the whole day doing this.And i can hear my bed calling me....its getting louder!Heeeeheeee.Its time to crash!
Signing off,
miss lili a.k.a lolipopkohkoh
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