Some of the choir people singing.My sister,2nd from the right,1st row.Nice outfit yeah?...So glittery..

Then came the dancers,me and another 11 girls..Haha..Miss Lili looks like some dungu doing a Malay dance.Or maybe Egyptian dance..LOL!!dangdut....Its time to shake some ars.
The whole cantata finish at about 10pm+...The choir presented about almost 10 songs..They were great,although there were a few mistakes here and there(including the dancers steps).And some of my friends told me a few songs made them sleepy.Haha!After the 2nd night,we took a group photo.Yay!

Heheh..We were just getting ready to take some pictures.We didn't see any angels*aaaawwww!!!!!!!.....Then being dancers,super vain dancers with the super striking kungfu outfit, we decided to posey for some snaps while waiting.

Haha!Super cute picture.All of us looks so happy and merry although we were so exhausted after the two nights.
After all the waiting....a nice,wonderful picture is produced!!*claps hand.Bravo!Everyone was great!

choir+dancers+all the personalle involved in the cantata
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