25 February 2008

Who in the world created tags?

Ah another one. Okay just to satisfy the tagger, and something different than my normal boring post.
Here goes;

Name: Lilian(but its not in my ic)
Age: 19+ soon to turn the big 20
Location: Gombak

Store: Nicci
Designers: Er none.
Places to go shopping: 1U for Malaysia and Bangkok, the shopping haven.
Brand names: Ahya as long as any brand punya blouse is cantiks can already.
Colours you wear: All, minus orange,yellow,dirty green.
Items of clothing you own:Rojak, semua brand pun ada.
Type of jeans: Bell bottom,definitely not the ahpia carrot cut.
Type of top: T-Shirts, Baby doll top, spaghetti strap top etc etc
Type of shoes: Casual sports, heels, wedges etc.
Clothing on opposite sex:Huh? What type of question is this? tsk tsk.
Type of accessories: Earrings,necklace, semua pun ada.

What would you never get caught dead in?
Under garments loh.

How many clothes in your wardrobe?
Dei you expect me to count ar? You can count for me, then u'll know.Hehe.

What was the last item of clothing you bought?
Err... A blue babydoll top.

If you owned your own fashion label, what would it be called?
Lilianies? Hahaha. Cacat. Sounds like some grandma clothing brand.

Which celeb's style would you love to steal?

Do you follow trends?
Not really..

What colour is a no for you?
Yellow mellow dirty fellow.

Short skirts or long skirts?
Short. A long one will make me like 'Frodo'. Lol.

Jeans or corduroys?
Jeans of course.

Hats or sunglasses?

Tight or baggy jeans?
Definitely tight. Loose ones me feel like its gonna drop any moment =P

Bright colours or dark colours?
Preferably dark. Bright, depending how bright. I don't wanna blind some old uncle.

-Right now-
Clothes lar.

In your bag.
Wallet, tissue paper unused and also used ones.. Kekeke.

Saving up for?
My future. Wahaha. Chehwa....

Wishing that you own.
Hmm...A nice mini cooper..Eh no wait..A nice Sedan...Eh no wait.. A nice Porche..

Favourite top.
Erm I like all. Haha.

Favourite jeans.
My VJ jeans.

Favourite shoes.

Favourite dress.
Red hot one from Nicci..

Favourite piece of underwear?
Ahem my so red hot g-string. Lol. NOO LA. THINK I WANNA TELL AR?*SHOO*


-8 random facts about me-

I like rainy days...
I am quiet...
I am a good listener...
I love clothes....
I am a 'banana'..Well at least half la.Lol..
I can't stand winding roads and roller coaster rides...
I love dogs and wish to own one next time. Hehe...
I wish I was living beside a nice blue beach =)

and so I shall tag:
You whoever that reads.

Okay, done. Playing flash games better than completing a tag la. Haha.

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