07 December 2007

Merry merry~

Christmas is a few week away! Yipeeee, I love Christmassssss! =D
But Christmas also means I loose more $$$. Buying gifts, buying those paper materials to make greeting card.... Plus more energy wrapping presents and making cards. Last year I made bookmarks for people, while my mom dye-ed my hair. It was so tedious I only finished the last bookmark near 1am. Lol. Well, its only once a year. I love doing it!

2008 is just weeks away. I can't wait for Gong Xi Fatt Chai! Oh crap. Final sem exam is just next month too. Then it will be 3 months plus holiday for me. Wheee and zzzz. I think I'll die from boredom after one month. Haha. Anyone got job come find for me okay? =)

Christmas Christmas here we come!
*searching for card ideas and presents*

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