01 October 2007

Excited for college?Nerd!

Hahaha. Yes the title says it all.
College starts in a weeks time and I can't wait for it to start. Kinda weird ya. When sems starts in the middle, I'll be whining for a break. Now when I'm having a break I wanna go to college. Lol. Maybe I'm just way too bored at home. So I can't wait for college to start so that I'll have something to do. Hmm okay, maybe minus out the assignments and presentations. Hehe. Plus it will be my last semester wei! Then I'll finish Diploma, then I'll have like more than 2 months break until Advance Diploma starts. Huhu. Time flies.

Dei! TARC, faster post up the timetable la dei. I wanna know if they're torturing us with lots of 8am-7pm classes. Nooohoo~

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