23 January 2007

I Am's

I am : A girl(Duh...)
I am : Soon entering the last age of my teen years in 6 months time >,<
I am :
100% Cina! Guarenteed no ang moh blood inside me. Unless my great great moyang or what somehow got married to an ang moh on the way. Lol.
I am : Currently studying accounting in TARC aka LalaBengbengLand.
I am : A child of God who loves J-E-S-U-S !
I am : A tamborine dancer in church, and I love to dance for God =)
I am : The baby in the family, the youngest among 4 siblings.
I am : Quite short? See.. at least I admit. Lol
I am : Half banana
I am : A pig. Uh-huh. I sleep from 1Am till 12Pm. I can't help it when it comes to munching titbits during the afternoons. Hehe.
I am : A girl who loves to smile!
I am : A person who likes to make people laugh.
I am : A person who LOVES to laugh and laugh. It's fun and it makes me happy. Laughter is the best medicine indeed.
I am : A big crapper when it comes to nonsence ;b
I am : 38 . Woohoo~Gilaness is part of me.
I am : A good friend? P/S>Am I??
I am : Definitely a good listener. I listen even though I don't want to.Lol.
I am : A person who doesn't talk much. Sometimes I'd rather stay quiet.
I am : A person who loves playing with kids. I meant toddlers, carrying them around. Kids are SO cute!
I am : Beautifully and wonderfully made in God's sight. And so are you!
I am : A big day dreamer.
I am : A lausy person when it comes to art. Ask me to draw, and it'll end up looking like a 5 year old's piece of work. Hehe.
I am : A person who is cincai. Anything goes.
I am : A person who has sinus problem. Ah~ It runs in the family.
I am : A girl who has "well-toned arms" , according to Rach, since I drive an old car that doesn't have power stereng. Keke.
I am : A chocolate and BAILEYS lover. Yumz!

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