18 October 2006


Hmm.Just wanna wish you all Happy Hari Raya(If there's any muslim people reading my bloggy, but I doubt it.Haha.) and Happy Deepavali to all Indians/Hindus around there (Thats reading my bloggy, but I doubt it too.Lol.).......Ish.Now lagila I can't wait for Christmas.Ehehe.

Owh maaaannn....I'm gonna have 7 hours of classes straight without any 5 minutes break next Friday ....................*Takes a deep breath...........gasp....................faints* O.O Friday afternoon fever at lalabengbeng land.Aha!

*Chiakiesssss at my super duper good fren* ^~^ *pat pat*

Lausy acne back,
Miss Lilis

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