02 August 2006


Yes people!I'm back!Huahua!After a long time not updating my blog.Sorryla.Got nothing interesting to say.Then the com is usually fully utilised by my brother,with his'World of Warcraft' game.So I seldom get to use the com.No com no updates!Keke!But now since my bro is working already,I get the chance to use it.Muahaha!Ish..You know it's so funny.When I use the com,sometimes he will stand behind me and watch what I'm doing online.I knowla>ahem.He tak sabar wanna play his game.LOL!.No privacy!Cheh!Haha.Anyway its not like I'm writing love letters online so I don't mind at all.Usually when I'm done with the com he will give me this cheeky grin and 'yay!'.There he goes with his warcraft.Since I have not been updating for quite some time,I have accumulated quite alot of stuff to blog.Hmm...First of all;

DIGI SUX!Yea thats right.Who agrees with me,show of hands please?*one two three....100*..Aaah!See!So many penyokong!lol!Digi has become more crazy nowadays.There were days where I couldn't receive or send any messages the whole day.Sometimes I receive messages that was sent like 2 hours before.Waa..If emergency how?Ishness!Swt...*Dush Digi*..*Dush dush*..LOL!Sometimes I feel like throwing the phone against the wall.Woosh!Of course I won't wanna do that.Heh.

Yay!Assignment sudah kautime!Yesh!Presentation also done already.Ah!What a relief.Oh!And my couirsework1 results back already.For Quantitative Studies me got 100%,semua betui!Huahua!Ahbathen this one just a simple coursework.Exam time..all turn upside down.Keke!Sei lor.Next month is my semester exam already.Wah..Time flies like..lalat flies.LOL!Aih.Then must sit for the English and Bahasa Malaysia paper also.Tambah my bebannya.Faster faster,I want holiday!Hmm...College normal as usual.Lectures boring as usual.Lecture hall freezing cold.Weather gloomy as usual.Makes me wanna sleep the whole time and keeps making me hungry.Hehee.Last Friday I was suppose to go for swimming lessons.But it rained and rained and rained.On the other hand its better than getting sunburn.Then there goes the swimsuit design on my body again.Zzzz!Okay..So it rained,but the class never gets canceled.So our instructur,Mr.Alan,who always calls me Ms.Nike and Vivian(don'tla simply change people's name.HIsh!) decided to teach us>YOGA!Man....with his big stomach he stil can do yoga.Not baaaddd!(SssHHh!After he come running after me!),HEHEHE!

Hmmm..What else.Ohya..last Sunday..eih.Noo..cannot.This one P&C!Wahaha!
Hmmm..*pauses for a moment*..oook!Found what it was already.

Last Sunday me went to Mid Valley to..eh!Wait.Not Mid Valley.1 Utama to watch pirates.Yesh,'Pirates of the Jelly Beans'..Keke!Sorryla..I love jelly beans so must mordify the title abit because it rhymes with it.Hehe!BUT..actually har..we didn't get to seeee!!!!!!=(
No more tickets!Haihyer!Forgot its a Sunday.Ish!There goes my pirate beanies...So ended up watching some Cina show.OOH!When we were going in we almost kena tangkap by the ticket fella because...because..We look underaged!!!!!!LMAO!(By the way,the show is 18PL)

Oh..darn..I forget what else I wanna say already.Huhu!So I shall stop here dulu.Let you guys rest your eyeballs.Taataaa!

Miss Lilis.

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