10 July 2006

dot dot dot

Yes I'm back again.Actually I'm kinda lazy to update my blog.Hehe..but somehow I have always have something to say especially when I have such busy days bugging me.Hmmm..Aih..Diela.This week and next,another hectic week.

This week's job:
(10-16 July)

1.Hand in BM assignment(Ulasan rencana).First time in my study life BM got assignment to do one =_=" I only know how to do karangan okay!*Sighs...Crapla!Must find bukti to support each ulasan and I'm like doing 'jenayah ragut'.Walao weh!Must find 5 ulasan isi and 5 bukti!Where do you expect me to find bukti for such a title...*slams head lightly on the table**moans*.. =(
2.Prepare English presentation.Each person has to present for 5-6 minutes.I will be presenting about 'The Universe' on Wednesday.Hope it doesnt bore my class mates.
3.Swimming lessons on Tuesday.Another long day.Plus another day of sunburn.Getting darker again.And another day of being called Ms. Nike by the instructur.Swt.Lame instructur.
4.Oh yes before I forget.Tuesday...Replacement class for BM at 8AM!AAHH!I DONT WANNA WAKE UP EARLYLAAAAAAA!Walao!8AM-6PM!Dahlah next day class at 8AM also!Zzzz...Sekali I fall asleep while presenting.LOL!
5.SAturday ISCA meeting..then maybe going church servise,maybe not.Sunday evening going for Orientation Oddsey Night at TARC.From Thursday to Sunday it will just be me and my mom at homey.Adui.Lonelynye.
6.Err...Eh..there's no number 6.Wahaha!*phew*

Next week's job(Fund Raising Week at TARC):
(17-23 July)

1.Tuesday ,9-10AM,jaga booth for fund raising at Canteen 2.Then swimming lesson at 3pm.Another long day.Another day of getting dark.Another day with the swimming suit design on my body.Another day with Mr.Alan who can't stop calling me Ms. Nike..Ahaha!*shakes head*
2.Wednesday-cannot jaga booth because class is from 8AM-4PM.Full day.So I'm not available.
3.Thursday,9-11AM,jaga booth for fund raising again.Then BM class-pembentangan of the BM assignment.Aih..Everything also must present one.Sick already.Then after this lecture untill 4PM.
4.Friday,2,30-4PM,jaga booth AGAIN!For the last day of course.Thank goodness it's the last day.

~Waa..I just realise this whole particular week, I'm gonna spend around 8 hours in college.And I end at 4PM everyday.And I start so darn early everyday.Zzzzz...........*pooof*~
But of all days Im gonna be the happiest on the day after Friday(21st July) which is Saturday.Wanna know why?*wink wink*..Let me tell you a story.

<In year 1988,on the 22nd Of July at Mentakab Hospital,Pahang,(erm..i dunno what timeleh) a baby girl which weighs **kg was born(sorry I dunno how much that baby weighs).Her parents named her Koh Sook Li.Her other name was called Lilian(NOT Lillian Too okay!)....THE END!>

HAHAHA!ok..yes yes I know that must be the worst story you have ever heard.LOL!Anywayyy....yeah!I'm turning 18 on 22nd July.One years passes by and I'm another year older.Hmmmmmmmm..........

Okie dokie!Gotta talk to the mirror.Practice presentationla weh..I'm not retarded.Hehe!

~By the way,my name Lilian is not in my IC and birth cert.My dad couldnt decide what name to give me so he just filed in my chinese name 1st.Waa..Didnt know got story behind my name.LOL!I'm the only one among my siblings which doesnt have my english name in any of my certificate.Hehe!But please,pleaseee call me Lilian.If you call me Sook Li I might not react.Hehe..Too use to hear people calling me Lilian already.Unless you wanna shout like siao lang then I will give feedbackla.Haha!

Ok!Better go before I add more.Chao people!Take care and God Bless!=)

Dot dot dot,
Miss Lili @ Lilian @ Koh Sook Li

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