17 May 2006


Ignore the title.HAHA!Its just something you don't have to believe.Today aku sudah pass I punye driving test!YEEhaaaa!!I spended 7 hours at the test.Most of it was because of waiting.I was considered lucky because I finished quite early.Some of them were just starting when I finished taking my results.I got a lady JPJ tester.Yipee!She was happily singing in the car when she was testing me...SWT!HAHAHAHA!She buka the radio begitu kuat sekali..then nyanyi begitu 'soong' sekali.I pulak,tension...LOL!Anyway,she wasn't fierce,although she looks like one fierce lady.But it was better than getting a man tester.They look even scarier,especially those with 'misai'.zzzzzz.......
The road test was..crappy.My engine died-ed 2 times,once at the traffic light,once going up a slope(thanks to me for not changing to 1st gear*_*").Well,the tester was kind enough for not failing me(thanks for God's grace too!)She only scolded me."AMOI!"..*pant pant*..The bukit was fine.Although the car I drove a lausy car.I released the clutch slowly,but the car still jerks like crazy.Parking an d 3 point turn,tarak masalah.None of the tiangs dropped down.keke...
So after all was done,I had to wait another round for my results.AIH.
Waiting is boring...Halfway waiting i realised I forgot to take some slip from the JpJ tester jaga-ing the parking lot.So I had to climb up and down the stairs to him.When I reached there,a few of his friends were there.They went like.."Apasal begitu lama ni..dah lama ready dah..Aduh..panas ya?"....haha...I went "Yaya..sorry,I pergi tandas.oh ya.PANASSSSSSS!"...So they weren't that fierce after all!!LOL!But they look kinda...ham sap?????AHAHAHAH!Nono...jk jk!
Anyway,applying for my P soon..For now I have to pass my mom's test.So that she can let me drive ALONE without getting a heart attack.SWT....Till then,I have to bear with all the tension when they are in the car with me..hhm...So for those who wanna test my driving,you have to 'sabar' ya..KEkekeke....Thats all for now.Buhbyeeees!

Signing off,P=pelajar baru...
Miss Lili

1 comment:

Jyan said...

Another 'road bully' get her license liao...geli....
Haha...congrats :P