Youhooo I'm back at last. As promised, an update for my fellow faithful readers whom have been pleading me to update. So here I am with an update. For today, I shall share about my little outing cum farewell last Friday for my two beloved college mates; Jordan and Jeremy. So, this post goes to them!
P/S: Ahem , Jordan and Jeremy please say thank you =P huahuahua!
Friday, 4th of July 2008. The people > Jordan, Jeremy, Luke, Wen Cong, Christina, Sharon, Yinxie, Xiao Min, Lilian, Wee Liam, Shu Yee and Laili's spirit. *Due to special circumstances, Laili couldn't make it (Special circumstances; like someone spraining her toes and causing a big bengkak)*
We headed to 1U straight after college to meet Jordan and Jeremy over there. Watched a movie called Wanted, which you readers shouldn't watch because it was a lausy show. Something like Matrix but Matrix is two times better okay. So don't watch it! Watch Kungfu Panda instead. Haha. I know you people like the pouty lips Angelina Jolie and the uncle Morgan Freeman, but oh wells, might as well watch the DVD if you insist on watching it =).
After the movie, we had a picture taking session, since it'll be the last few times we will be ever meeting and taking pictures together again. So let the pictures do the talking eih?

After the food, it was time to go back. Dropped Sharon, Christina and Xiao Min back, then it was time for cell group at night and supper thereafter. Then the day ended......
To Jordan and Jeremy;
Hope you two have a great time studying over there and don't forget about us okay. Eat well, sleep well, play well, and of course ahem.. Study well! Haha. Bring back an ang moh girlfriend too =P. Always take care and God bless! =)
P/S: Ahem , Jordan and Jeremy please say thank you =P huahuahua!
Friday, 4th of July 2008. The people > Jordan, Jeremy, Luke, Wen Cong, Christina, Sharon, Yinxie, Xiao Min, Lilian, Wee Liam, Shu Yee and Laili's spirit. *Due to special circumstances, Laili couldn't make it (Special circumstances; like someone spraining her toes and causing a big bengkak)*
We headed to 1U straight after college to meet Jordan and Jeremy over there. Watched a movie called Wanted, which you readers shouldn't watch because it was a lausy show. Something like Matrix but Matrix is two times better okay. So don't watch it! Watch Kungfu Panda instead. Haha. I know you people like the pouty lips Angelina Jolie and the uncle Morgan Freeman, but oh wells, might as well watch the DVD if you insist on watching it =).
After the movie, we had a picture taking session, since it'll be the last few times we will be ever meeting and taking pictures together again. So let the pictures do the talking eih?
The main character of the day; Jordan and Jeremy.
The 4 buddies; Jordan, Wen Cong, Luke and Jeremy.
Wee Liam, YinXie, Me, Christina's hands, & Jeremy. Nothing else can describes Jeremy's happiness besides that big grin on his face. Haha.
Me, Wee Liam the so tall guy (Ahem yeah right, so tall =P) & Jordan.
We were saying that the picture before this was like Do, Re ,Mi due to the height arrangement, so he decided to be 'tall' for the moment. Lol.

We were saying that the picture before this was like Do, Re ,Mi due to the height arrangement, so he decided to be 'tall' for the moment. Lol.
Then we walk and walked trying to decide what to eat and so we ended up at Fish & Co. Food not bad, price? errrrr I'll just say its more to the high end. Haha. Overall, it was satisfying. Let me just make you hungry okay?
Yummy right?
The calamari was nice, fish fresh, prawns fresh and fries fine too.
After the food, it was time to go back. Dropped Sharon, Christina and Xiao Min back, then it was time for cell group at night and supper thereafter. Then the day ended......
To Jordan and Jeremy;
Hope you two have a great time studying over there and don't forget about us okay. Eat well, sleep well, play well, and of course ahem.. Study well! Haha. Bring back an ang moh girlfriend too =P. Always take care and God bless! =)
-The end-
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