Yesterday had a great time lepaking at Mid Valley with Rachie. Watched Hairspray. Not bad, not bad at all. Oh my... They made John Travolta into..... an elephant! Lols. With a big ars that can shake very well indeed. Zac Efron looks way much better in this show, not so boyish. James Marsden is so lengzhai. Amanda Bynes? In the whole show, the only thing that involves her is the lolipop in her mouth. Michelle Preiffer looks way much younger.

Oh yes I finally got a nice Nike sports shoes. My super belated birthday for this year. Sales is on so I got it for half price. Wheeeee~ rm200+ dropped to rm100+ .. I saw a black and red one I like, but unfortunately... left the display one and its dirty dirty. So found this one. Like it too. Anything blue me likey! =)

I dyed my hair this afternoon copper red...but....
Well, its brownish under the sun/light.
Lesson learnt. Never use any product from Cosway. Ishhh.
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