17 July 2007

Currently: Watching Desperate Housewives
Feeling: Kinda traumatized

Today is another crazy day. Another day that makes my pimples erupt like a volcano. No its not exam day. No its not another day with 2 presentations, or 2 coursework.
Its another day when......

I'm actually involved in a car accident.


Noooo~ It was not my fault!
*Hmm. Actually it was everyone's fault* Lol.

Anyway let just talk about the accident.
Car number 1. Doesn't signal, stops abruptly at a junction as if its his/her grandfather's road.
Car number 2. Emergency brakes because car number 1 doesn't give a sign he's stopping to turn.
Car number 3. Me! Emergency brakes too. But brakes from afar because I saw what was ahead. Manage to stop in time
Car number 4. Didn't manage to stop in time


*4 kissed 3's butt, 3 kisses 2's butt*

*Car number 1 turns at the junction and drives away, doesn't even look back*

SIGH. 2 accidents in 2 months. And my car was just like painted 1 months plus ago. *GG*

Well at least I'm ok. My car? It needs to be knocked again. It needs to be repainted at some parts again. It definitely needs a new number plate. Car number 2 just got a lil scratch. So he was kind enough to tell me not to pay anything. Car that banged me...well...he pays me a sum. His car is definitely in a bad shape. The whole front bonet, kaput. Wira ma. You can expect the outcome. Hmm. Pity him. I think his car is quite new. WNL le..... New new. Poor thing.

Anyway... Now I don't like driving. In less that half a year I get banged twice. Phobia wei. Zzzz.

Thank God for keeping me safe. Hehe.

Tomorrow me still have to drive to college. I wish I could fly =P

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