24 May 2007

Modem modem gotta get new modem!!
Life without the internet is pure dullness, especially now when I'm on holiday. Sigh. Since I don't have the time to get a new one, so I' just rotting at home every night just by watching tv.Zzzz. Anyway, thank goodness I was at Seremban from Saturday till Monday helping my parents paint their new future home. So at least I had something to do. Hmm.
I was also in college from Tuesday untill.............Now!! Yeah guess what?? I'm at the college library online-ing, because I cannot tahan already. When I open my mail, there was 48 messages inside. Too bad I can't log into friendster. Ish ish. Anyway I just wanted to check for my new semester timetable. Dahla the line at the library very very slow.
You must be wondering why am I in college when I'm actually on holiday. Well, I came to be a buzybody. Ahahah! Keh Po with the new frieshies. Lol. Nola. I was elected as the Assistant Editor for an event called Talent Time Nite. This event is meant for the freshies. So we as the committee are suppose to attract the freshies to come and participate for this event.
So I saw few church people. Kim and Ian Ng. I almost wanted to force Kim to join in the competition as a dancer. Keke. Ian Ng aka Ah Miang auditioned for the drums. Walao. I think he was the best, besides another guy.
Okayla. I gotaa go for another meeting. Damn meetings. Makan masa sajer. Bye people. Untill my next update , which is goodness knows when. Tata~

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