Hmm. The sky seems to be bluer up there.
Like I promised, I'm back with an update. This time about my trip to Cameron Highland for a church camp. Temerloh Gospel ChapeL (TGC) , my parent's old church when we were living in Temerloh, invited us for their church camp. Initially, I didn't wanna go because I didn't know anyone there, and majority are oldies. But since staying at home during the 1st few days of holidays would be just as bored, so I decided to go. Hehe. We left on Saturday morning and reached there about almost 3pm.
When I left that church, I was only 2 years old. So you can guess what were all the aunties and uncles impression when they saw me now... After more than 10 years.
"WAH! This is Lilian ah? The baby when you all left TGC ar?? Hoyo so big liao!"
"Waaaaah. So tall and pretty already ah. Last time when you were just a little girl always holding your mummy's skirt!"
"Ooooh. So this is Lilian hah. Last time we always carry you around. Whenever you see us you willl cutely say "Hiiiiiiiiii!""
"Wah ini Miss Malaysia ah?! Lilian, last time you were still a little baby, with your saliva still meleleh from your mulut"
"Hmm. We couldn't recognise you. But I think you still have your baby look. Especially your eyes."
................................................................... =.=*
*Speechless* Oi not miss Malaysia lar. Miss Lilian. I takmau jadi Miss Malaysia kalau got chance pun! Lol.
This is what happens when it seems just like yesterday that they last saw me as a baby. Lol. Anyway, I met one of my penpal. I got to know her when my family visited her family when we dropped by Temerloh a few years back. So I used to write to her for almost like 2 years but somehow we got disconnected. No idea why. Anyhow I manage to meet her there. Oklar I lazy wanna talk more about that. I stayed at my dad's KWSP Rumah Istirehat, what I call his office villa. Lol. Oh before that. On the way up we stopped at a nice waterfall beside the stupid winding road.
My mom wanted to test her photography skills
And so we were being naughty. lol.
Back to the topic. Here is the place that I stayed. Its like a big open bungalow, except it has rooms, a large living room, and a large kitchen, and you'll be like sharing the same kitchen and living room with other unknown families . The view is wonderful. Since I know you people are such lazy pigs when it comes to reading, so let the picture do the talking.
The porch
The steps going up the entrance, filled with pretty flowers. Haha. I papparazied my dad.

From the balcony, I could see
The highway
A nice cottage
And at night before I sleep
I can see the bright moon
Flowers galore in Camerons

And here's a picture of us and one of the "Teacher's Idol", uncle Charles.
Turn to The Star Education, middle page
Sunday, 6th May. You'll find his funny picture there.
That's it. I'm just too lazy to upload anymore pictures. Maybe I'll be back with part two. I havent talked about the camp activities and the giler semangat aunties when it comes to coral speaking. Lols.
Signing off
The steps going up the entrance, filled with pretty flowers. Haha. I papparazied my dad.
From the balcony, I could see
The highway
A nice cottage
And at night before I sleep
I can see the bright moon
Flowers galore in Camerons
And here's a picture of us and one of the "Teacher's Idol", uncle Charles.
Sunday, 6th May. You'll find his funny picture there.
That's it. I'm just too lazy to upload anymore pictures. Maybe I'll be back with part two. I havent talked about the camp activities and the giler semangat aunties when it comes to coral speaking. Lols.
Signing off
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