Just got back from college. My resit paper was......... Sigh. I dunno lar. Honestly, when I compare the one I sat for today, and the one I failed last sem, last sem's one is easier. I giler stress now. I'm gonna make two pieces of toast.
*walks off to make two pieces of toast with peanut butter, & a cup of hot milo*
*10 minutes later*
Okay I'm back. Hehe. Toast makes my day yummier =) . Aih, but I'm still scared of the results. I can resit maximum 3 times. After that I have to retake that whole sem. Adui~ Resit one time enough lar. I don't wanna see that dungu subject anymore. Dahla next sem I'm having a subject connected to this one. I'm doomed. I feel so doomed, that I feel like crying. I don't wanna fail anymore. Thats all =(
That's it! Enough emo-ing. Lol. I just realised that my past few posts are all so stressed-genre-typed. Where is my gilaness? Where have thou art gone to?? Ha-ha. Its so not me. I must remain>> > Happie go luckie!
And there's some boys outside playing firecrackers in the field in front of my house. The super duper loud bang is irritating me, and giving me heart popping moments. Dahla I wanna de-stress. Now I feel like opening the door, and shout from my house......................
Unfortunately, only my mom is brave enough to do that. Plus, it sounds rude. There was once when the boys were playing football and the ball hit my sis's car and my house gate. My mom was so pissed that she shouted from my house door
Fuuyoh.... Memang patut kena pun. Haha. The ball dented my sis's car wei. And my mom's car number plate cracked when the ball hit it once before, long time ago. Since then, my mom calls them "monkeys". So every evening when they start playing my mom will go ;
" Eh go move the car to the side lane. Later those monkeys play ball then kena the car then dented again"
Haha. Monkeys. They are lucky enough since they didn't get the tamparan hebat from my dad. If not.. habis man. My dad will lecture them kaukau and snatch the ball from them and never give it back. Lol.
Okay enough of talking about monkeys. Lets talk about...........

My Oh-So-Sexy Legs

Nola.. Not my sexy legs. My rotten shoe got lar. Haha. Yeap my rotten ballet shoes. Its rotten alrite. Really rotten. Rotteen untill its holey-moley and super blackie. No matter how much i clean it with toothpaste (Yes, toothpaste. Ballet shoes CANNOT be washed. Never!) . Like this....
Lol. OMG! Ewwww......
I didn't realise it was this ugly *__*
6 years of dancing and it turns into this
And a new one would cost me
RM 55 !
I didn't realise it was this ugly *__*
6 years of dancing and it turns into this
And a new one would cost me
RM 55 !
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