Finally got my last sem results. Finally....Its gonna be end of this semla dei, now only they release! Unefficient betui! Kekeke. Anyway, as expected, my results teruk kau kau. No need to ask me my CGPA la. From all the previous post also you can roughly guess kan? =S Well, I felt kinda pai sieh when we compared our cgpa's. Of course among my geng of friends, mine is the worst lor. It felt kinda dissapointing and sad, so I just kept quiet (As usual, what I will do when I'm dissapointed/sad) . Hmm, not quite.....VERY, VERY dissapointing and sad =(
Then when I took my resit bill...Walao..I look at the list of people that has to resit..37 people. But that's my course only. It doesnt include the seniors who also sat for the same subject as us last sem. So its actually 37++ ..Sigh.. Anyway, what's done is done. Thou shall not complain. Haha. Looks like I have to try harder, extra extra harder. And thank God for good friends of mine, who are willing to support me. Oh and guess what? Next week I shall spend the whole afternoon in the library studying for 3 days. Yes. I suddenly have the urgency and full determination to study hard. Hehe. Don't ask me why. I think maybe yesterday afternoon I was day-dreaming about my results, so it struck me> To lock myself in the library, avoiding all the distraction at home. Hoho. See... Day-dreaming also good wei!
Then when I took my resit bill...Walao..I look at the list of people that has to resit..37 people. But that's my course only. It doesnt include the seniors who also sat for the same subject as us last sem. So its actually 37++ ..Sigh.. Anyway, what's done is done. Thou shall not complain. Haha. Looks like I have to try harder, extra extra harder. And thank God for good friends of mine, who are willing to support me. Oh and guess what? Next week I shall spend the whole afternoon in the library studying for 3 days. Yes. I suddenly have the urgency and full determination to study hard. Hehe. Don't ask me why. I think maybe yesterday afternoon I was day-dreaming about my results, so it struck me> To lock myself in the library, avoiding all the distraction at home. Hoho. See... Day-dreaming also good wei!
Oh and also found out that Sirn Loong got the same gred as me for his English paper
P/S: Loong, takpe. I was just as geram as you. Don't knowla how they mark the paper.*Scratch head*
Anyway *Booo* to results. This whole week I didnt study much because had to finish assignments and also lots lots of meeting to attend. Itu SWC la. We're having a Mini PC Fair in June, and someone elected me as Editor! Ish ish. So me have to prepare the background for the flyers.
P/S: Loong, takpe. I was just as geram as you. Don't knowla how they mark the paper.*Scratch head*
Anyway *Booo* to results. This whole week I didnt study much because had to finish assignments and also lots lots of meeting to attend. Itu SWC la. We're having a Mini PC Fair in June, and someone elected me as Editor! Ish ish. So me have to prepare the background for the flyers.
Okay enough about results. Mega sale has started! Unfortunately, I'm stuck with my books. So hopefully the sale is still on till May. Keke. Oh and I snapped a few pictures with my phone camera. Random ones la. I didn't photoshop, just added the wordings.

And I always thought my camera phone was lausy
Of course, don't la compare with you people punya 3.0 megapixel one
At least nice, clear pictures like above can be taken
Before me sign off for lunch
*Gobble gobble,munch munch*
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