27 March 2007

I know all these stuffs are NoNsEnZe
But I was in plain BoReDoM
So I clicked on these NoNsEnZe

The OutCome of those NoNsEnZe

Your love is... by ChibiMarronchan
Your name is...
Your kiss is...delicious
Your hugs are...friendly
Your eyes...light up a day
Your touch is...irresistable
Your smell is...exotic
Your smile is...amazing
Your love is...everlasting
My Kizz is Delicious?-I wonder what it tastes like.Hmm.Strawberry?Vanilla?Chocolate?Baileys?Or just plain Amilase enzyme.
My hugs are Friendly?-Do you wanna try hugging me to find out?Haha.
My eyes Light up A day?-I know the sun does that. Lol.
My touch is Irresistable?-Hoho.*Winks winks*
My smell is Exotic?-Hmm.Does Lux soap actually smell exotic to you?Keke.*Sniff sniff*
My smile is Amazing?-Er. Ya kar?Haha. Do you people actually end up fainting after looking at me smile? If you do, I'm amazed myself. >,<
My love is Everlasting?-Ah~ This is the one and only thing I agree here. Hehe. Everlasting!Uh-Huh..

So NoNsEnsIcal
But I'm SiMpLy Me =)

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