I know all these stuffs are NoNsEnZe
But I was in plain BoReDoM
So I clicked on these NoNsEnZe
The OutCome of those NoNsEnZe
My Kizz is Delicious?-I wonder what it tastes like.Hmm.Strawberry?Vanilla?Chocolate?Baileys?Or just plain Amilase enzyme.
My hugs are Friendly?-Do you wanna try hugging me to find out?Haha.
My eyes Light up A day?-I know the sun does that. Lol.
My touch is Irresistable?-Hoho.*Winks winks*
My smell is Exotic?-Hmm.Does Lux soap actually smell exotic to you?Keke.*Sniff sniff*
My smile is Amazing?-Er. Ya kar?Haha. Do you people actually end up fainting after looking at me smile? If you do, I'm amazed myself. >,<
My love is Everlasting?-Ah~ This is the one and only thing I agree here. Hehe. Everlasting!Uh-Huh..
So NoNsEnsIcal
But I'm SiMpLy Me =)
27 March 2007
20 March 2007
What a week.
Jeremy: Oi. How resultsle? Still sleeping ah u?
Lilian the Pig: *Geramfied abit,because he woke me up from my sleep.Keke.* Uh? Oh, I dunnole. I not yet check yet.
Jeremy: Faster go check! I wait for you to check..
Lilian the Pig: Aya. I not yet even on the computerla friend! Laterla when I check already I let you know. Hehe.
Jeremy: Aaar? Hmm. Okayla. I pass!Okayla Byebye.
Lilian the Pig: Oh icic. Okayla. Byebye.*Off's the phone. Okay. I think I really forgot today was results day =.=**
Argggghhhh!*covers face with pillow**stamps feet on the ground*
What a week.
On Saturday, it was the realease of the pass/fail examination results for last semester. Jeremy, my tutorialmate called me in the morning to ask me about my results. Well, unfortunately that time Lilian the Pig was still asleep. Hahaha. By the way, I don't off my phone at night. So when I answered the phone.........
Jeremy: Oi. How resultsle? Still sleeping ah u?
Lilian the Pig: *Geramfied abit,because he woke me up from my sleep.Keke.* Uh? Oh, I dunnole. I not yet check yet.
Jeremy: Faster go check! I wait for you to check..
Lilian the Pig: Aya. I not yet even on the computerla friend! Laterla when I check already I let you know. Hehe.
Jeremy: Aaar? Hmm. Okayla. I pass!Okayla Byebye.
Lilian the Pig: Oh icic. Okayla. Byebye.*Off's the phone. Okay. I think I really forgot today was results day =.=**
Anyway, cut the story short. Sigh. I logged into the college website and viewed my results. I clicked on the 'main examination' link . My fingers were trembling *Jeng jeng jeng* ....
At that very moment when the results page popped out, my heart melted. I almost suffocated. Worst still, I wasn't sitting on the computer chair. I was like, sitting on the chair handle and putting my foot on the seat (In other words, kampung style of sitting.Lol) When I saw that word, it almost made me fall off the chair and my heart almost stoped for a moment. It felt like I was in a dream. Now you must be wondering what my results were. Well.....Here goes.
Results: FAIL
Unit(s) Failed: ABFA 2023(Auditing), ABMC 2024( Management Accounting)
The end.
*Whinessssssssssssssssssssssss*At that very moment when the results page popped out, my heart melted. I almost suffocated. Worst still, I wasn't sitting on the computer chair. I was like, sitting on the chair handle and putting my foot on the seat (In other words, kampung style of sitting.Lol) When I saw that word, it almost made me fall off the chair and my heart almost stoped for a moment. It felt like I was in a dream. Now you must be wondering what my results were. Well.....Here goes.
Results: FAIL
Unit(s) Failed: ABFA 2023(Auditing), ABMC 2024( Management Accounting)
The end.
Argggghhhh!*covers face with pillow**stamps feet on the ground*
I failed, I failed. I failed 2 subjects!!! Noooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!
That's not the end of my nightmare. After that I had to tell the "Oh so tragic" news to my parents. Sigh. Well I didn't tell them untill hours later, after church service. Lol. Stress, stress.
So now I have to resit those two papers. RM 50 each paper wei! Zzz. I'm left with around 5 weeks more to study. So, hopefully I can cram all of the syllabus in my coconut shell by then. I don't wanna fail the 2nd time. If not, I have to retake the whole semester le. No way!
And every single person will go "Harr....You fail? I don't believe you. You sure you see properly?" when I told them my results .....Sigh. Well, failure can happen to anybody, anytime. So what so shocking? Haha. Aih. Results are always unpredictable. And its a big deal to me cause I never failed in major exams before. Except for failing Physics paper for a monthly test. Lol. But that's such a small thing. This one...Sigh...will bring a big side effect to my CGPA point. Ish ish. Anyhow, I shall not whine and complain. I've failed and I shall learn from it.
I've got no mood for colours now. So its white and black for this post. Now I have to reduce all my entertainment, which means> No onlining often anymore, no watching the TV for hours anymore, no sleeping for 11 hours. So don't be surprised if my blog rots here. Unless I've got something really important to say. At the meantime......
Say hello to >Book books books and...more books.
So my beloved readers....remember me in your prayers. I need more Ummphh to study and more brain juice to squeeze, plus more RAM in my coconut shell to store what I've studied. Lol. I've got only 5 weeks,24 hours a day so pray that I'll pass with lovely flying colours at the resit exam. Heeheee. And I'll keep yours (whatever prayer you need) in mine too =)
Untill then, bye-bye for now! Lilian the Pig has to rest her coconut shell. Ha-ha.
That's not the end of my nightmare. After that I had to tell the "Oh so tragic" news to my parents. Sigh. Well I didn't tell them untill hours later, after church service. Lol. Stress, stress.
So now I have to resit those two papers. RM 50 each paper wei! Zzz. I'm left with around 5 weeks more to study. So, hopefully I can cram all of the syllabus in my coconut shell by then. I don't wanna fail the 2nd time. If not, I have to retake the whole semester le. No way!
And every single person will go "Harr....You fail? I don't believe you. You sure you see properly?" when I told them my results .....Sigh. Well, failure can happen to anybody, anytime. So what so shocking? Haha. Aih. Results are always unpredictable. And its a big deal to me cause I never failed in major exams before. Except for failing Physics paper for a monthly test. Lol. But that's such a small thing. This one...Sigh...will bring a big side effect to my CGPA point. Ish ish. Anyhow, I shall not whine and complain. I've failed and I shall learn from it.
I've got no mood for colours now. So its white and black for this post. Now I have to reduce all my entertainment, which means> No onlining often anymore, no watching the TV for hours anymore, no sleeping for 11 hours. So don't be surprised if my blog rots here. Unless I've got something really important to say. At the meantime......
Say hello to >Book books books and...more books.
So my beloved readers....remember me in your prayers. I need more Ummphh to study and more brain juice to squeeze, plus more RAM in my coconut shell to store what I've studied. Lol. I've got only 5 weeks,24 hours a day so pray that I'll pass with lovely flying colours at the resit exam. Heeheee. And I'll keep yours (whatever prayer you need) in mine too =)
Untill then, bye-bye for now! Lilian the Pig has to rest her coconut shell. Ha-ha.
14 March 2007

Amen....Praise the Lord....
*Claps hands*
Amen....Praise the Lord....
*Claps hands*
Lol. Yeah yea. I sound like some girl who has never seen rain before. Bahaha.
Minutes before.....
Mom>Apparently she was koreking some box containing some old stuffs.
Liliz> She was just sitting on the com., browsing through christiandl.com
And then....Came the sound...
*Tok tok tok*
....on the house roof orning.....
Minutes before.....
Mom>Apparently she was koreking some box containing some old stuffs.
Liliz> She was just sitting on the com., browsing through christiandl.com
And then....Came the sound...
*Tok tok tok*
....on the house roof orning.....
Then mom jumps out from the floor, Liliz jumps off the com chair, pecuts to the door,unlocks it and.........grabs the clothesss.............................Darn. The clothes were all totally dried during that time........So the wet drops from the rain looked like polka dots on the clothing. Keke.
It was strange. As the raindrops falled onto my face, it felt so fresh. Lol. I looked up to the sky. I just love to do that when it rains. Me love the damp,wet feeling from the raindrops. I know, I know. Sounds like a weirdo =b The worst part is I got poked by a thorn when I was reaching out for some bajus hanging on a pole. Ish you cactus!
Well, it rained at last, after so many weeks of heat storm. Not hail storm. Not tsunami. Its heat storm. Hahah. I love it I love it babeh~
Rain rain dont go away
Come again today!
Wooooooh. Its getting heavier!
* Claps hands*
Liliz *Gets up from chair. Head to the sofa. Looks outside through the sliding door.Stares at the sky*
Hoho. Splendid.
Rain. It means :
I can enjoy bathing cold cold water, instead of warmish water most of the time.
I can sleep peacefully without tossing and turning for 10-15 minutes.
I can slow down the fan speed from 5 to 3/2. Lol.
I can open the sliding door and house door to let the cool breeze come in.
I can open my eyes besar-besar because on hot days I can't do that. Blame it on the giler power sunshine.
Splendid. Splendid. SPLENDID~*grinz*
Beams =)
It was strange. As the raindrops falled onto my face, it felt so fresh. Lol. I looked up to the sky. I just love to do that when it rains. Me love the damp,wet feeling from the raindrops. I know, I know. Sounds like a weirdo =b The worst part is I got poked by a thorn when I was reaching out for some bajus hanging on a pole. Ish you cactus!
Well, it rained at last, after so many weeks of heat storm. Not hail storm. Not tsunami. Its heat storm. Hahah. I love it I love it babeh~
Rain rain dont go away
Come again today!
Wooooooh. Its getting heavier!
* Claps hands*
Liliz *Gets up from chair. Head to the sofa. Looks outside through the sliding door.Stares at the sky*
Hoho. Splendid.
Rain. It means :
I can enjoy bathing cold cold water, instead of warmish water most of the time.
I can sleep peacefully without tossing and turning for 10-15 minutes.
I can slow down the fan speed from 5 to 3/2. Lol.
I can open the sliding door and house door to let the cool breeze come in.
I can open my eyes besar-besar because on hot days I can't do that. Blame it on the giler power sunshine.
Splendid. Splendid. SPLENDID~*grinz*
Beams =)
12 March 2007
Tag No. 2 & Jap. syndrome
I've been tagged again, this time by Grace, my senior from high school.
Title: 5 reasons why i blog
1. Main reason> I have no idea!>,<
2. People blog, so also blog lar. Lol.Influence babeh!
3. So that I can browse through and read again in the future. Memories are never meant to be forgotten.
4. So that I can improve my typing skills. Ha-ha.
5. So that I can keep you readers entertained.
And this other tag is from Jacqueline Fong, my childhood neighbour when I was living in Malacca in 1998.
Title: What's in your bag?*Lamelar*
1. Water bottle to quench my thirst.
2. Sweets, to keep me awake during lectures.
3. Gigantic furry pencil case with a wonderful supply of stationary. Lol.
4. Tissue paper. I definitely can't live without that.
5. Purse to cash out RM's for my daily needs.
6. Pepper spray. Keke. So don't you dare touch me!
7. Sony Ericsson Walkman 1G MP3 Plyer, my beloved Christmas pressie!
8. Motorola V635 that I officially declared as mine myself, from my bro in Manchester. Hehe.
Okay I'm done with the taggies. I've been watching lots of Japanese series lately. On one of the Saturdays I manage to finish 11 episodes in one day. Haha. Diela. Addicted already. Anyway I watched one which was extremely tragic right from the beginning till the end. Of course the ending is also tragic. The title of the series is called "1 litre of tears". Actually its kinda old. But you'll definitely cry watching it. Its main character is led by Erica Sawajiri. For a Jap. , I would say she's cute and pretty, but not beautiful. Lol.
I've been tagged again, this time by Grace, my senior from high school.
Title: 5 reasons why i blog
1. Main reason> I have no idea!>,<
2. People blog, so also blog lar. Lol.Influence babeh!
3. So that I can browse through and read again in the future. Memories are never meant to be forgotten.
4. So that I can improve my typing skills. Ha-ha.
5. So that I can keep you readers entertained.
And this other tag is from Jacqueline Fong, my childhood neighbour when I was living in Malacca in 1998.
Title: What's in your bag?*Lamelar*
1. Water bottle to quench my thirst.
2. Sweets, to keep me awake during lectures.
3. Gigantic furry pencil case with a wonderful supply of stationary. Lol.
4. Tissue paper. I definitely can't live without that.
5. Purse to cash out RM's for my daily needs.
6. Pepper spray. Keke. So don't you dare touch me!
7. Sony Ericsson Walkman 1G MP3 Plyer, my beloved Christmas pressie!
8. Motorola V635 that I officially declared as mine myself, from my bro in Manchester. Hehe.
Okay I'm done with the taggies. I've been watching lots of Japanese series lately. On one of the Saturdays I manage to finish 11 episodes in one day. Haha. Diela. Addicted already. Anyway I watched one which was extremely tragic right from the beginning till the end. Of course the ending is also tragic. The title of the series is called "1 litre of tears". Actually its kinda old. But you'll definitely cry watching it. Its main character is led by Erica Sawajiri. For a Jap. , I would say she's cute and pretty, but not beautiful. Lol.
Erika Sawajiri, plays the role of a school girl having a disease.
Ain't she cute?
Erika,with long hair. So different weh.
The main guy. Unfortunately, he ain't good lookin.
It would be so much better if he was replaced with this korean actor right?(Jo-In Seong)
Ain't she cute?

Erika,with long hair. So different weh.

The main guy. Unfortunately, he ain't good lookin.

It would be so much better if he was replaced with this korean actor right?(Jo-In Seong)

Anyway, watch the show. Make sure you prepare one roll of tissue before that. Hehehe.
05 March 2007
Funney-1 U-Doodly-Sunday
Yesterday after combined servise at Flamingo Hotel, Rachel, Wen Dee, Amelia Barbarian, Wang Ying and I,Liliano went 1 Utama to watch "Dreamgirls". Fuh. It was my 1st time driving so far. My 1st time driving to 1U with so many passengers in my car. Kekeke. The journey there was rather hot due to my car aircond. The air coming out was not cold, but warm. So we had to wind down my car window in the hotness of the afternoon, and I could see those gals hair at my car passenger seat flying like some hair shampoo advertisement *Wink wink**Cough* And Amelia's mekap also started to melt. Wahaha. It was like sauna inside the car and by the time we reach there, we were soaking in sweat. Hoho. More like having a spa sauna in the car. Lol. Anyway we reach 1U safely and sweatly =)
After that we bought the tickets and had lunch at Mark's something..Lol. Can't remember the shop name but I read about it in the newspaper before. Their specialties are curry laksa and Penang asam laksa. Its slightly expensive, but if you compare with other restaurants around, its around the average price. One bowl is around RM 6.70. It was quite nice actually. The soup was tasty, not very diluted like some shops. So its quite worth it. Plus, the shop was kinda quiet. I think we girls were the loudest there. Lol.
We were just telling some stories of stuffs we and our school friends did at school. Reflecting on those days, how I wish I were in school again. The things we did were actually quite jakun-fied. Haha. In one of the stories, Wen Dee's friend wanted to cabut from school during schooling hours. So he was walking halfway through the gate when a police car passed by. The police stopped. So the guy just turned back towards the gate and walk and said "Ah takde apa-apala. Saya nak pergi sekolah ni!" LoL! Smart. I remember myself and my classmates running away from school during one of those replacement days. We looked everywhere and quickly ran down past the gate and cabuted to the housing area. After that I felt kinda guilty. Lol. But no harm trying it once right? =b Then we gave all types of names to the teachers >Cikgu Soh @ Soh Tinggi , Mashi Maro, Mama Lion, Sakai, Godzilla. Hahaha. I remember hitting one of my malay guy classmates by accident. He got a shock. He was just looking at exam results when I accidently hit him. Plus it wasn't just a slight hit. It came with the sound "Piak!". Adui. *Minta maaf,bang!* The real person I wanted to hit was Cedric, another guy classmate who loves pulling my hair. Pai sieh weh. After that I ran after Cedric along the classroom corridoor. Bahaha. Ahh~ Those were the days, where we were monkeying around as kids.
Anyway back to 1U. Amelia checked out a few cute guys. *Opps! Did I just say that?* Yeah yeah. Guyss... No harm la. Eyes are made for staring and looking. Lol. Too bad, we had the camera but we didn't snap any. The movie was quite nice. Something like Moulin Rouge, but I think Dreamgirls has more singing in between. Their songs are quite nice, and some of them made me wanna cry for no reason. Ahaha!But I didn't cry okay! Oh and blacks are such great singers with powerful voice. Fuh.
After the show we walked around and bought cream puffs from Beard Papa's. Sedap weh. Especially the cream and pastry, but its pricy. RM3.30 for one =.=*. Once in a blue moon, so okayla. We had to wait around 45 minutes plus because there weren't enough so they had to bake new ones. Fresh from the oven, even better. So while waiting we went Starbucks and relaxed our feet by sitting on the sofa. After collecting the cream puffs we headed back home. I had to send Rachel to her house so I had a terrible hard time getting out from her houselane. Swt. All because of my car stering. Ish. I took like 10 minutes just to reverse and turn my stering. Omg. I hate it when there's no power stering. By the time I succeeded, I was actually sweating all over. Lol. Well toned arms resulting from stering-turning-sessions. In 3 years time I might develop muscles from driving this car. You can imagine how much energy I use when it comes to parking. Aih. Anyway......so much for old cars, I reached home around 9pm plus. What a day!
Today was the 1st day of my new semester, 1st day of my 2nd year diploma. Huhu. Time flies. The best thing about this sem is; I don't have classes on Tuesdays and Fridays. Two days of relaxation at home. So its just 3 days of classes. Futhermore I only spend like maybe 4-5 hours in college a day. Hehe. Anyway the lecturers are not bad. The best thing is, one of the subject, its assessment it based fully on assignments and coursework. So, there's no final exam for this. Which means, when I take my final semester exam, I will be sitting only for one subject, which is Basic Taxation! Wheee~~ So this sem, all I have to do is 2 assignments and study just for one subject for the finals. Har har har! Anyway I'll not take things lightly, although its just two subjects and 7 weeks nia. Hopefully I'll do much well this sem. Which reminds me, last sem's result is coming out soon. Ahyoyo. I pray that I don't fail any paper, or get any C.
That's all for now. Sorry people. No pictures for you to cuci mata. Hehe. Take care and God bless! Have a great day =)
After that we bought the tickets and had lunch at Mark's something..Lol. Can't remember the shop name but I read about it in the newspaper before. Their specialties are curry laksa and Penang asam laksa. Its slightly expensive, but if you compare with other restaurants around, its around the average price. One bowl is around RM 6.70. It was quite nice actually. The soup was tasty, not very diluted like some shops. So its quite worth it. Plus, the shop was kinda quiet. I think we girls were the loudest there. Lol.
We were just telling some stories of stuffs we and our school friends did at school. Reflecting on those days, how I wish I were in school again. The things we did were actually quite jakun-fied. Haha. In one of the stories, Wen Dee's friend wanted to cabut from school during schooling hours. So he was walking halfway through the gate when a police car passed by. The police stopped. So the guy just turned back towards the gate and walk and said "Ah takde apa-apala. Saya nak pergi sekolah ni!" LoL! Smart. I remember myself and my classmates running away from school during one of those replacement days. We looked everywhere and quickly ran down past the gate and cabuted to the housing area. After that I felt kinda guilty. Lol. But no harm trying it once right? =b Then we gave all types of names to the teachers >Cikgu Soh @ Soh Tinggi , Mashi Maro, Mama Lion, Sakai, Godzilla. Hahaha. I remember hitting one of my malay guy classmates by accident. He got a shock. He was just looking at exam results when I accidently hit him. Plus it wasn't just a slight hit. It came with the sound "Piak!". Adui. *Minta maaf,bang!* The real person I wanted to hit was Cedric, another guy classmate who loves pulling my hair. Pai sieh weh. After that I ran after Cedric along the classroom corridoor. Bahaha. Ahh~ Those were the days, where we were monkeying around as kids.
Anyway back to 1U. Amelia checked out a few cute guys. *Opps! Did I just say that?* Yeah yeah. Guyss... No harm la. Eyes are made for staring and looking. Lol. Too bad, we had the camera but we didn't snap any. The movie was quite nice. Something like Moulin Rouge, but I think Dreamgirls has more singing in between. Their songs are quite nice, and some of them made me wanna cry for no reason. Ahaha!But I didn't cry okay! Oh and blacks are such great singers with powerful voice. Fuh.
After the show we walked around and bought cream puffs from Beard Papa's. Sedap weh. Especially the cream and pastry, but its pricy. RM3.30 for one =.=*. Once in a blue moon, so okayla. We had to wait around 45 minutes plus because there weren't enough so they had to bake new ones. Fresh from the oven, even better. So while waiting we went Starbucks and relaxed our feet by sitting on the sofa. After collecting the cream puffs we headed back home. I had to send Rachel to her house so I had a terrible hard time getting out from her houselane. Swt. All because of my car stering. Ish. I took like 10 minutes just to reverse and turn my stering. Omg. I hate it when there's no power stering. By the time I succeeded, I was actually sweating all over. Lol. Well toned arms resulting from stering-turning-sessions. In 3 years time I might develop muscles from driving this car. You can imagine how much energy I use when it comes to parking. Aih. Anyway......so much for old cars, I reached home around 9pm plus. What a day!
Today was the 1st day of my new semester, 1st day of my 2nd year diploma. Huhu. Time flies. The best thing about this sem is; I don't have classes on Tuesdays and Fridays. Two days of relaxation at home. So its just 3 days of classes. Futhermore I only spend like maybe 4-5 hours in college a day. Hehe. Anyway the lecturers are not bad. The best thing is, one of the subject, its assessment it based fully on assignments and coursework. So, there's no final exam for this. Which means, when I take my final semester exam, I will be sitting only for one subject, which is Basic Taxation! Wheee~~ So this sem, all I have to do is 2 assignments and study just for one subject for the finals. Har har har! Anyway I'll not take things lightly, although its just two subjects and 7 weeks nia. Hopefully I'll do much well this sem. Which reminds me, last sem's result is coming out soon. Ahyoyo. I pray that I don't fail any paper, or get any C.
That's all for now. Sorry people. No pictures for you to cuci mata. Hehe. Take care and God bless! Have a great day =)
02 March 2007
Yada Yada. Holidays are coming to an end. This Sunday marks the last day of my holidays. After that my 2nd year diploma starts. I only have classes 3 times a week wei! Kekeke. I'm off on Tuesdays and Fridays. Whee. Plus there's only 2 subjects this coming semester. And guess what? I'm gonna learn something called "Mind Your Own Business"(MYOB) !! Lol. So beware. If you all busybody around I might come to you and say "Oiii! MYOB okay?!" Bahahah. Its an accounting software. And no...they aren't gonna teach us how to mind our own business *_*
This holiday I spent my whole 3 weeks at homey. History. I've never ever stayed at home. I mean usually I go out at least once during the holidays. This time, nooo. Hmm. No mood, and no kaki. So I spend my days at home watching dvds and reading blogs. Manage to finish one storybook though. Other than that I'm having dance practices every Tuesday. Someone from church is teaching the tamborine dancers new steps. Oh now I wish I was a ballet dancer. Lol. It would have been slightly easier if I had ballet background because most of the patterns involves alot of turning and hopping and spinning. =.=" And eveytime I made a turn I would end up sengeted abit because I can't really balance my step. Ha har.
Hmm. I guess thats all. Holiday is boring boring. I can't wait for Monday. Faster!
This holiday I spent my whole 3 weeks at homey. History. I've never ever stayed at home. I mean usually I go out at least once during the holidays. This time, nooo. Hmm. No mood, and no kaki. So I spend my days at home watching dvds and reading blogs. Manage to finish one storybook though. Other than that I'm having dance practices every Tuesday. Someone from church is teaching the tamborine dancers new steps. Oh now I wish I was a ballet dancer. Lol. It would have been slightly easier if I had ballet background because most of the patterns involves alot of turning and hopping and spinning. =.=" And eveytime I made a turn I would end up sengeted abit because I can't really balance my step. Ha har.
Hmm. I guess thats all. Holiday is boring boring. I can't wait for Monday. Faster!
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