Yo yo!I'm backs!Hehehe..Hmm..I dont know what to blog about.Anyway,just simply updatela.Since so boed.Hmmm...Let me see..Oh. First of all,time flies...faster than a jet plane,faster than a lalat flies.LOL!Its 3 weeks more to my semester exam.6 subjects to study. Aih...And its August,merdeka month.I still remember those days where we sang merdeka songs in school.Ish..cacat.LOL!Soryla,I memang tak patriotik.Keke!Oh...and yesterday was 19th..19 is..ahem..a special date to me.VERY very specialllll..And it will remain special to me every year.Hehehe!Dont ask me why.I dont want to tell,and wont tell even if you pursuade me!Blueks! HMM..what else..ohya.Yesteday was Youth Aflame meeting.They showed some camp videos.Just some playbacks from the activities they did at the youth camp.Those videos were funny,especially one paticular video,where the main character was my cell leader,Mr.Aaron.LOL!I'm not gonna tell you also because I respect my cell leader(konon,respect*cough.LOL.jk jk!) Mr. Aaron is memang super funny.Too bad he's resting from leadeship from now on for a while.No one to kacau during cell.And there goes the bangga 'HELP-ian'.Oh crap.And I'm in charge to think about a drama and find actors for the SBS nite for college.Denggg!Anyone creative enough to give me idea ar?Of all person my departmental head chose me.I'm so....er..I'm not creative,that's all.LOL!How how?Anyone can tell me where to find some short sampat drama?And it's the type of drama where the actors and actresses doesn't have to talk.There will be people backstage doing the talking.Lagila hard..SWT!
Hmm..I think thats all for now..Need to brush up my Econs.I memang sesated since the beginning.LOL!
Take care people,and God Bless and have a great day!

Leaving with a picture of me and my sampat friends of SWC.While waiting for the meeting to start,we were just bored.So there goes us...SUPERMAN!Weeehheee!
Whose shoes is the nicest?
Miss Lilis
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